Sting of Poison -- Depleted Uranium Penetrators

Depleted uranium armor refers to the use of uranium 235 (less than 0.711%) made of armor piercing shell, at present, only the United States and Britain are using it in the world.
depleted uranium penetrators image
China also has a depleted uranium penetrators, but it is too much damage to the environment, China is a big country with tungsten resources, it mainly develops tungsten alloy armor piercing ammunition, and the depleted uranium ammunition is only a small amount of stock.
The United States likes to use the uranium bomb because it has a good penetration effect, and this penetration is much better than tungsten alloy. According to the experience of the use of the US military, the same length and diameter of the depleted uranium bombs and tungsten alloy bombs contrast, depleted uranium bombs on the penetration of 3000 meters and tungsten alloy bombs 2000 meters through the same. Likewise, depleted uranium ammunition is also a big lead in dealing with bunkers, obstacles, buildings, and so on. In addition, tungsten resources are mainly produced in China, which is not cheap for the United States, while the poor uranium bombs are derived from nuclear waste. Compared with tungsten, nuclear waste is almost no money to Americans.
The use of depleted uranium in tungsten alloy penetrators and Sino German destruction principle is completely different, when it hits the tanks and other armored vehicles, the huge impact of the uranium combustion, can produce high temperature above 6000 °C, reduce the local strength of armored car, killing the personnel and equipment, while the radiation damage, if the target survived, will also suffer from nuclear radiation pollution, induced chronic injury, with 100% carcinogenicity. Over the years, the United States, Britain and the United States ignored the international community's condemnation of the use of depleted uranium armour in Iraq, Kosovo, Libya and other areas, causing unimaginable harm to local civilians.
If depleted uranium bombs use and preservation is not in place, will also cause radiation damage to the user, many American soldiers are also exposed to the radiation of depleted uranium bombs during the war. Moreover, the pollution of the uranium depleted munitions is serious, the half-life is 4 billion 500 million years, and the burned areas can not be re inhabited. It is said that the United States in Iraq and Kosovo used hundreds of tons of depleted uranium bombs, much of the Gulf still has radioactive pollution, while most of Kosovo's land is uninhabited. Although the war is not right or wrong, only winning or losing, but the US imperialists over the years in the rest of the world's actions, all reveal their selfish and vicious power face, one day will be self-inflicted.


