What Are the Types of Tungsten Electrodes?

The types of tungsten electrodes are mainly classified according to the different rare earth oxides or alloy elements doped in them. Here are the common types of tungsten electrodes and their characteristics:

pure tungsten electrode image

I. Pure Tungsten Electrode (WP)

Composition: Contains over 99.9% tungsten.

Color Code: Green.

Characteristics: High melting and boiling points, resistant to melting, volatilization, and burnout, with minimal tip contamination. However, it has a higher electron emission work function and moderate arc stability.

Application: Primarily used for AC welding (e.g., aluminum, magnesium alloys) due to its lower cost.

II. Thoriated Tungsten Electrode (WT Series)

Composition: Contains 0.8%-4.4% thorium oxide (ThO₂).

Color Code: Yellow (WT10), Red (WT20), Purple (WT30), Orange-Red (WT40).

Characteristics: Excellent electrical conductivity, stable arc initiation, and high current-carrying capacity. However, thorium is radioactive, requiring special care.

Application: Used for DC welding of stainless steel, nickel alloys, copper, titanium, etc. Gradually being replaced due to environmental concerns.

III. Ceriated Tungsten Electrode (WC Series)

Composition: Contains 1.8%-2.2% cerium oxide (CeO₂).

Color Code: Gray.

Characteristics: Non-radioactive, low arc initiation voltage, and long life. Suitable for low-current welding.

Application: Versatile electrode suitable for both DC and AC welding (especially for thin sheets and precision parts).

thoriated tungsten electrode image

IV. Lanthanated Tungsten Electrode (WL Series)

Composition: Contains 0.8%-2.2% lanthanum oxide (La₂O₃).

Color Code: Black (WL10), Gold (WL15), Blue (WL20).

Characteristics: Balanced performance, concentrated arc, easy pool control, and environmentally friendly.

Application: DC or AC welding of stainless steel and carbon steel.

V. Zirconiated Tungsten Electrode (WZ Series)

Composition: Contains 0.15%-0.9% zirconium oxide (ZrO₂).

Color Code: Brown (WZ3), White (WZ8).

Characteristics: High temperature resistance, pollution resistance, suitable for high-frequency AC.

Application: AC welding of aluminum and magnesium alloys.

VI. Yttriated Tungsten Electrode (WY Series)

Composition: Contains 1.7%-2.2% yttrium oxide (Y₂O₃).

Color Code: Sky Blue.

Characteristics: Excellent high-temperature stability and ablation resistance.

Application: High-current welding and special fields such as aerospace.

lanthanated tungsten electrode image

VII. Silver Tungsten Electrode (WAg Series)

Composition: Contains 10%-50% silver (Ag), with the remainder being tungsten (W).

Color Code: Typically no specific color code (varies by industrial application).

Characteristics: High electrical conductivity, arc erosion resistance, high temperature resistance, ablation resistance, and low contact resistance. Suitable for high-current and frequent switching applications.

Application: Primarily used in electrical contacts or high-energy discharge scenarios, such as electrical contact materials and plasma equipment electrodes.

VIII. Multi-component Tungsten Electrode and Composite Rare Earth Tungsten Electrode

Composition: A mixture of multiple rare earth oxides (e.g., CeO₂ + Y₂O₃ + La₂O₃ + ZrO₂).

Color Code: Varies based on composition or agreed upon by the supplier and buyer.

Characteristics: Optimized overall performance, reducing the defects of single elements.

Application: Specific industrial requirements.

Note: Color codes may vary slightly in different countries. Please refer to specific product instructions for details. If you need advice on selecting the right tungsten electrode, please contact China Tungsten Online (sales@chinatungsten.com).

