RE low prices steady, some businesses slight hike praseodymium, neodymium

RE market as a whole held steady, reflecting the actual business transactions were little changed, but the offer has a tendency to increase, mainly in the categories of praseodymium, neodymium, but the rate is not high. Dysprosium, europium, terbium and other product prices are still low steady, some businesses temporarily offer, see attitude.

Pr-Nd products: Currently praseodymium and neodymium oxide, praseodymium, neodymium metal prices stable and slightly upward, according to the supplier of Ganzhou now praseodymium, neodymium metal with votes from the 383,000 yuan / ton raised to 385,000 yuan / ton, praseodymium, neodymium oxide from 295,000 up slightly adjusted the three thousand dollars / ton. According to the Shanghai region, said suppliers now neodymium oxide, praseodymium prices do not adjust, is still around 29.5-30 yuan / ton. Recent praseodymium, neodymium product mainstream market was little changed, but the low-cost supply reduction.

Dysprosium products, current low prices steady, dysprosium prices generally are still 1.7 million yuan / ton, according to Ganzhou dysprosium traders said there are only 165-168 yuan / ton, dysprosium iron vendors currently offer also from basic steady supplier since April have been quoted at 175 yuan / ton, the current price was essentially flat with last year. Europium, terbium market volume is insufficient, some traders out of stock but does not find the goods is also very positive overall market demand growth is not obvious, the merchant cargo hold wait and see.

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