Praseodymium, neodymium and dysprosium slight rebound now stabilized market is still strong rise

Approaching the end of this year formally sentenced WTO China's rare earth export policy violations, forced to adjust our rare earth export quota policy, but for the protection of rare earth resources, rare earth prices to defend against cheap exports, the government must have resorted to strong protection of domestic rare earth resources section . The relative increase in the past two weeks on the market, good news, as the country strictly rectify illegal production of rare earth market phenomenon, the media have reported the rare earth market will welcome the resource tax reform, accelerate the integration of news about rare earths are also reported in the newspapers, with the Pan Asia Business Shouchu dysprosium, terbium oxide and other rare earth market is indeed appear subtle changes.

November has been the rising price of dysprosium in December after entering the line is still the way to class this week, dysprosium strong product prices continue to rise, as of Friday, it is understood, the higher the market has to offer dysprosium 155,156 ten thousand yuan / ton, the excess part of the wave of rising business expectations. There are businesses that currently, although at a relatively high price, but not a lot of actual turnover, cargo operators who sell mentality obvious. Dysprosium iron market is also flew traders offer the highest already approaching 1.6 million yuan / ton.

This week lanthanum, cerium, europium, yttrium, praseodymium oxide, etc. are still low, although some companies interested in very price, but affected by sluggish demand, short-term market significantly more difficult to overturn. Although gadolinium products market businesses deliberately raised the offer, but the gains are more limited, the current market-based low steady.

Other parts of the oxide and metal prices also appear more significant rebound this week, is more focused on the praseodymium, neodymium and praseodymium, neodymium metal oxide, neodymium oxide. According to the supplier of Ganzhou with dysprosium, terbium oxide prices rise, the market outlook is expected to be changed, added before sellers price is too low, this week neodymium oxide, praseodymium, neodymium, praseodymium metal were up $ 5,000 / ton. According to other parts of the business that is not also a slight increase in price changes or 2-3 thousand Yuan / ton. Relatively mixed oxide, neodymium oxide prices this week there was a substantial hike, Ganzhou a supplier quotes in the week raised 15,000 yuan / ton.

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