Tungsten Concentrate Output Limitation of China, 2013

Yesterday, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the announcement about tungsten concentrate output limitation in 2013. In 2013, the tungsten concentrate output limitation is 890,000 tons. The Ministry of Land and Resources will keep the output control in 2012 and continue imposing control on total of comprehensive utilization. On December 31, 2013, the general office of the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the first of tungsten concentrate output limitation, based on 50% of output limitation in 2012. 2,000 tons of tungsten concentrate was not distributed. Tungsten concentrate output limitation which has been sent to every province and autonomous region is increased by 2,000 tons, compared with 2012. Total of primary mining is 71,000 tons and total of comprehensive utilization is 18,000 tons, increased by 1,600 tons and 400 tons respectively.

Tungsten concentrate output limitation for Jiangxi is 37,750 tons, increased by 650 tons; for Hunan is 23,100 tons, increased by 500 tons; for Yunnan is 6,000 tons, increased by 500 tons; for Guangdong is 3,260 tons, increased by 110 tons; for Zhejiang is 450 tons, increased by 100 tons; for Heilongjiang is 1100 tons, increased by 100 tons; for Xinjiang is 300 tons, increased by 100 tons; for Hubei is 300 tons, increased by 50 tons.

Tungsten concentrate output limitation for Guangxi is 3,000 tons, decreased by 110 tons.

Tungsten concentrate output limitation for Fujian is 2900 tons; for Inner Mongolia is 1,500 tons; for Qinghai is 140 tons; for Henan is 6,000 tons; for Gansu is 1,710 tons; for Hainan is 190 tons and for Shanxi is 100 tons. The output limitation for those provinces or autonomous regions is the same as last year.

The announcement requires to stopping accepting application on prospecting and mining for new rare earth or tungsten concentrate. The new set-up rare earth and tungsten concentrate must conform to output limitation and requirements for capacity balance. Compared with 2012, the fifth situation is set up: the program which is in accordance with industrial policy, mineral resources development program, configuration scheme of mining right, output limitation and requirements of provincial government should be given key support.

The announcement also stresses that the Ministry of Land and Resources will decompose the tungsten concentrate output limitation which has been sent to every local competent department of land and resources. The Ministry of Land and Resources will also inspect monthly reports or quarterly reports and check the implementation accordingly.   

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