What Is the Correct Placement of a Wedding Ring?

The wedding ring is a token of love that never ends, symbolized by the ring's unbroken circular form. Traditionally, the bride and groom exchange rings during the wedding ceremony and wear them perpetually. It did not become commonplace for American men to wear wedding rings until World War II, when the men went to war with a symbol of the wives they left behind. The symbolism surrounding wedding rings is plentiful and varies across cultures.

Placement of the Ring

The wedding band is worn on the third finger of the left hand. This seemingly arbitrary tradition of placement is thought to be related to the delicate vein, the "vena amoris,"that runs from the ring finger on the left hand to the heart. Married women wear theirwedding bands first with their engagement rings on top. This tradition is described with the saying that the band should be closest to the heart.

Exchanging of Rings
During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom place rings on each other's fingers. The bride should wear her engagement on her right ring finger on the day of the wedding to make the ring exchange go smoothly. Some say that wearing the engagement ring on the righthand on the wedding day keeps it from upstaging the wedding ring. If the bride wears gloves on the wedding day, she may choose to leave her engagement ring at home.

Wearing the Ring
Tradition and superstition dictate that the wedding ring should never come off. Women may want to remove their engagement rings when working with their hands to preserve the setting and prevent knocking the stone loose. A plain band will not be easily damaged, but if the band contains stones, remove it during cooking, cleaning, gardening and any other task that could damage the delicate settings.

Taste and Practicality
Although tradition places the wedding ring on the third finger of the left hand, the placement is ultimately up to the wearer. Wear your wedding ring where it feels comfortable and secure. Men in the past wore their rings on their thumbs or middle fingers. People who are left-handed may want to wear their rings on their right hands.Some choose to wear theirs on a chain around the neck, while others choose not to wear one at all.


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