2015 Chinese LED Lighting Industry Output Value Is Expected


2015 LED lighting energy industry output value is expected to reach 450 billion yuan , while the key equipment LED lightingand important raw materials will enable policy-oriented localization -related companies from benefit .

Development and Reform Commission yesterday released the " semiconductor lighting energy industry plan " put forward to 2015 , the key equipment of semiconductor lighting energy industry and an important raw material to achieve localization of major technological breakthrough. High-end applications products reach the international advanced level , energy-saving effect is more pronounced. LED lighting energy industry concentration is gradually improving , industrial parks basically established , a number of leading enterprises competitiveness will increase markedly . R & D platform and standards , testing and certification system was further improved .

Specifically, the first is to be more energy saving effect is obvious, the market share gradually expanded. By 2015 , 60W incandescent lamp for general lighting above all eliminated, the market share will drop to below 10% ; energy- efficient lighting products, lamps and other traditional market share stable at around 70%; LED functional lighting products market share of 20 % or more. In addition , LED LCD backlight, landscape lighting market share of over 70 % and 80 %. Compared with traditional lighting products , LED road lighting saving more than 30 percent , saving more than 60% of indoor lighting , backlighting saving more than 50% , saving more than 80% of the landscape lighting , the annual saving 60 billion kwh , quite at saving 21 million tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions of nearly 60 million tons .

Followed by steady growth in industrial scale , focusing on corporate strength enhancement. LED lighting energy industry output value of large-scale development goal is an average annual growth of about 30 % in 2015 to reach 450 billion yuan ( including LED lighting applications 180 billion yuan ) . Further optimize the industrial structure , built a number of distinctive characteristics of semiconductor lighting industry gathering area . Form 10 to 15 core technology, intellectual property rights and have more well-known brand, quality and competitive enterprises.

The third is the ability to significantly enhance technological innovation , standards , testing and certification system was further improved . Localization rate of 80% or more LED chips , silicon-based LED chip made ​​an important breakthrough . The quality of the core components of the luminous efficiency and application products reach the international advanced level in the same period . Large-scale MOCVD equipment (LED epitaxial wafer production equipment ) , a key raw material to achieve localization , testing equipment localization rate of over 70%.

According to statistics, in recent years, the global LED lighting energy industry output growth rate remained at 20 %. By 2020 the global lighting market will more than 150 billion U.S. dollars , LED lighting market is expected to reach $ 75 billion , representing a 50% share of the global lighting market .

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