Output Target 2015 LED Output Value Reached 10 Billion Yuan


Accelerate the development of LED industry is one of the city's aim to promote the widespread use of LED public lighting . " Quanzhou promote the use of LED lighting products, the implementation of views " put LED Product out , to increase the financial resources to support the efforts of the LED industry , focusing on basic industries and common technology research and development, technology transfer , technological innovation and achievement transformation projects ; LED industry while building public service platform, foster a number of independent innovation and independent intellectual property products.

In addition to encouraging local precedence Quanzhou LED enterprise products , " Quanzhou promote the use of LED lighting products opinions" but also to encourage and guide the city's LED production enterprises under the same conditions take precedence city upstream chip and other basic products , reduce production costs and rapid accelerate the application and popularization of LED products , and strive to the end of 2015 LED industry output value reached 100 billion yuan, an increase of more than 25%.

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