Community leaders called on the people of Malaysia rare earth plant halted operations Qi

According to reports, for the Lynas rare earth plant has started production on human adverse Secret products , Malaysian Chinese Association of School Directors Association ( Dong Zong ) agree with the views of the green event , considered to be a very serious matter , and harm to the people of Malaysia health.

Dong General Chairman Ye Xintian said to ignore the people's health "hegemonic " behavior, Lynas rare earth plant has done is all the people that care about the health and environmental protection must oppose and protest . " People need to stay away from Lynas rare earth plant health , and therefore , close Lynas rare earth plant is necessary. "

Meanwhile, the director general praised Green Gathering contribution to environmental protection and care of people's health in Malaysia made ​​. Ye Xintian in the case said on the 15th green event to welcome the visiting support a signature campaign against the big blueprint for education exchange meeting addressed time .

Huang Qi called on the people to come forward to the end of 622 rare plant

Meanwhile, Green Gathering Chairman Huang pointed out that , with the " cavalry march , ending Linus ' motion , they will be held along the street more than the anti- RE seminars and dinners and other activities, he only participated in part of the phases of cavalry line , including gabion foot car ride to the end .

He believes that although it is difficult term challenges can be overcome if we really want , because the significance of this important task is not only to instill environmental message to the community , but to people across the country realize , held June 22 end of Lynas rare earth plant sports , this day is the Lynas rare earth plant in Malaysia end of the day.

Huang pointed out that although it is not certain how many people will eventually join the ranks of cavalry line , but I hope to have more Malaysian green enthusiasts to come forward with a spirit of challenge , have joined for the country , society and contribute to the next generation .

Early in the 15th Huang attended the " cavalry march , ending Linus " Iron Horse line starting ceremony on the first day of the Iron Horse team will complete 31 km journey , arrived in the afternoon 1 Rawang .

On the other hand , participation in this " cavalry march , ending Lynas " movement leader and feet dealers lovers Ping Zhongmin ( 42 years old ) said that he suggested to Huang Motors launched the anti- Lynas foot action last year the two sides finalized after the trip this year after the New Year , he will invite the remaining three friends to join.

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May 16, 2014 market price of rare earth market

Rare earth prices held steady with market supply and demand has been a long time stalemate , is expected to drive the rally without delay purchasing and storage of rare earth results , while demand is a rare movement , rare earth prices temporarily difficult to change significantly.

Dysprosium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax 165-170 yuan / ton, dysprosium iron mainstream manufacturers tax price 170-175 yuan / ton.

Praseodymium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 570,000-580,000 yuan / ton. Neodymium oxide 320,000-330,000 yuan / ton.

Lanthanum oxide manufacturers tax price 18,500-19,500 yuan / ton. Cerium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 19,500-20,500 yuan / ton.

Neodymium oxide, praseodymium mainstream manufacturers tax price 325,000-335,000 yuan / ton , praseodymium , neodymium metal mainstream manufacturers tax price 415,000-425,000 yuan / ton.

Fluorescent europium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 3,800-4,000 yuan / kg. Terbium oxide phosphor grade mainstream manufacturers tax price 3,000-3,200 yuan / kg.

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RE market recovery is limited, prices stable or decreased slightly stalemate

RE market steady this week, mainly small part of the product prices down , businesses are not waiting to see market quotes or choose to actively tune slightly lower shipping prices , market transactions significantly stalemate.

Praseodymium neodymium products, prices remain stable this week , fewer changes in supplier quotes , praseodymium , neodymium metal 41.5-42 current yuan / ton , neodymium oxide, praseodymium with votes at 32.8-33 yuan / ton. There are vendors said last week because of the favorable influence purchasing and storage , praseodymium , neodymium slightly small hike up the price of metals and oxides , this week has been waiting for the market reaction to purchasing and storage , after all, the prices are not due to rising demand , and it did not continue to increase prices, while the latter can not be clearly changes , the need to continue to wait and see . Some industry NdFeB manufacturers have reflected the situation praseodymium neodymium metal raw materials prices slightly downward , as previously quoted at 42 million or more , now slightly pullback to 420,000 yuan / ton. End demand is still weak, weak demand , a fall of raw materials , NdFeB processed products also face possible decline in value .

Dysprosium products, there is the case this week, and procurement inquiries , the prices are not rising , prices steady light , prices high turnover difficult. Expectations for the stock market outlook , the businesses that will not rule out last June super cheap situation.

This week terbium, yttrium oxide is relatively stable, europium oxide prices slightly fell slightly , the market traded downturn . According to the supplier of Ganzhou terbium oxide and now , like last week , or at 3200 yuan / kg , europium oxide than previously reported 3900 yuan / kg, slightly down 100 yuan . Yttrium oxide due to excess supply , prices are now at the bottom , fall marginally, but the microscopic up , the current offer from the merchant more concentrated in 50,000 yuan / ton.

Baotou Rare Earth Information Exchange trading this week , dysprosium, terbium , lutetium oxide daily trading volume of less than 100 kg , although slightly more volume of europium oxide , and only about a hundred kilograms. Or a relatively large volume of cerium oxide , yttrium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide and praseodymium .

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Western difficult to get rid of rare earth dependence on China

Foreign media said the West is difficult in some areas to reduce dependence on China . Obvious examples are rare : China has announced a significant reduction in the amount of rare earth exports in 2011 . At that time China to meet the global demand for this high-tech material of 95% . China put forward the reasons is that a substantial increase in domestic demand for rare earth industry , therefore, rare earth prices shot up . EU, Japan and the United States subsequently submitted to the WTO complaint , which they considered a violation of WTO rules agreed by all countries .

Germany "Time" weekly website May 13 Journal article said rare earth prices dispute shows how the Chinese people 's dependence on the quasi -monopoly of rare earth and other parts of the world to China. America, Europe and other countries, commitments , in terms of the exploitation of raw materials necessary for such high-tech products are no longer left to the mercy of China , they will quickly realize their exploitation . But since that did not make much progress .

The article said that rare earths are not rare , and many countries have rare earth resources. But the extraction of rare earth metals is considered to be labor intensive , but also leave toxic waste . Therefore , when the 1990s China 's rare earth production and to significantly increase the cost to provide the world's rare earths , most industrial countries closed their mining sites .

The article said that although the WTO has ruled in March 2014 in favor of industrialized countries that China 's export restrictions violated WTO rules, but the effect of the judgment may be small . Actually get executed until the judgment may also take a long time .

At the same time , a diversified industrial countries did not promise success . Although the United States has once again enabled molybdenum an old Mountain Pass mine in California , Malaysia from 2013 onwards ready to buy rare earths from Australia , geologists discovered over the past few years are also hundreds of new deposits in the world , but outside of China Construction enthusiasm for new mining point has been significantly weakened.

The article said that the global economic downturn and the recent Chinese demand for rare earths is also reduced, resulting in rare-earth prices fell to previous levels in 2011 , which reduced the opening of the new mining point of pressure. Centre for European Economic Research believes that until 2020 China will remain a monopoly in the field of heavy rare earths . Currently, about 90 percent of the world's rare earth products still come from China .

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Guangxi Metallurgical Academy of rare metals involved in development projects in Uganda

Recently, Guangxi, Guangzhou Institute of Metallurgy, a company commissioned to accept the use of metallurgical aspects of homes in the rare earth minerals mining, processing of mature development process , for a place in Uganda nonferrous metals mining, processing technology projects carried out preliminary exploration of mineral development , has been obtain satisfactory technical results , the subsequent development work is methodical start.

It is reported that the project was Chinese and Ugandan government's strong support of the Chinese - key projects in Uganda trade and investment cooperation. Mineral resource projects , including about 75 million tons of apatite , 30 million tons of magnetite, 700,000 tons of pyrochlore ( niobium , tantalum -rich ) , 1.6 million tons of LREE , 10,000 tons of scandium resources , with a high development value.

According to reports, the two sides will be the principle of comprehensive utilization of resources , in the shortest time will be the resource advantages into economic advantages, to achieve Chinese enterprises "going out " and become a model for foreign investment projects.

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Rare structural adjustment reforms need to aim high

Can really create sustainable wealth for the rare earth industry is value-added, high- tech content of rare earth processing areas . This has become the consensus of the rare earth industry , and has been practiced by some companies .

Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth Group unfavorable factors domestic macroeconomic slowdown , continue to increase this year, product structure adjustment , and actively promote the high-end rare earth products, market development, and strive to achieve sales revenue of 6.4 billion yuan , and strive to resolve the price volatility of rare earth products magnitude larger run relatively rare earth market instability.

In early December last year , with a Long March III carrier rocket pierced the sky dream of the Chinese people , the success of " Chang-e III" probe into orbit. Among them, its corporate Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth dilute magnetic Company developed high-end products - rare earth permanent part of " Chang-e III" detector provides a complete high-end rare earth products , another successful boost China's aerospace industry development.

Rare high-end products to increase market share , has been the Baotou Rare Earth is the goal. From the end of the century , freon for a series of environmental problems caused by the destruction of the ozone layer has become a worldwide problem , which also contributed to accelerate the pace of research Baotou Steel Rare Earth ' magnetic refrigeration " project. As rare of all, Baotou produced lanthanum, cerium, shop, neodymium and other rare earth materials is the best study materials "magnetic refrigeration " project. Unique advantages , coupled with the tireless efforts of the entire research staff , making the " magnetic refrigeration " project walk in the forefront in the world .

Practice has proved that the value-added rare earth products to improve the process, improve the technological level of the rare earth industry is particularly important. Currently, Why China's rare earth export of primary products to a large number ? The reason is mainly applied research lags behind China's rare earth , rare earth materials can not be fully applied . A large number of foreign monopoly of rare earth application of advanced technologies, such as space technology, military technology. We are talking about selling the original rare earth prices are now rare sold at high prices, but we only got hundreds of millions of dollars , we have lost a valuable resource.

Plainly, the production of rare earth enterprises only rare earth raw materials , and then by the Western countries through deep processing enterprises , a large amount of high-priced products to sell back home, earn huge profits our country . Therefore, the promotion of rare earth industry structural adjustment, promote the development of high-tech industries downstream , improving rare earth industry technical level is essential.

In fact , high-end products targeting rare earth rare earth enterprises are not a marketing tool , not just technology development, but extends to the end of an important rare earth products . Although rare earth industry is a small industry , but it has an important impact on other industries, especially high-tech industries , national , vital to enhance our military . This year, the price of rare earth experienced a frenzied boom and slump. In times of crisis , when the rare earth industry , structural adjustment is aimed at high-end rare earth development direction.

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Rare earth products securitization era

Although the WTO against China rare earth dispute seems to have become inevitable, but the industry view , the failure of international litigation is rare may not be entirely bad news , or the rare earth industry Forced detonated accelerate our market deregulation .

To promote domestic consumption of rare earth , rare earth products actively promote the construction around the exchange platforms , such as the first specialized in rare earth products Spot Electronic Trading Center --- Southern Rare Earth Products Exchange Trading Center was on January 4 this year in Guangdong Ping Yuan officially opened operations. Baotou Rare Earth Products Exchange followed , also on March 28, 2014 immediately after the opening. It is reported that South Exchange on the trading platform of rare earth , rare earth oxides has become normalized, securitization, electronic, circulation of goods monetization , or will become the gold , and a variety of international investment after silver . Some analysts have pointed out , this may mean that the era of rare earth products securitization has officially arrived.

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Little change in the rare earth market, short-term non-positive support

Today, the domestic rare earth market was little changed , but the prices of some products , some businesses have had to adjust a little , in the short term the market basically run smoothly because no positive support .

Neodymium oxide, praseodymium current tax price of 33 yuan / ton, no tax price 28-28.5 yuan / ton, the price of the metal praseodymium neodymium about 425,000 yuan / ton, no tax at 36-37 yuan / ton.

Dysprosium oxide stage manufacturers offer tax 170 yuan / ton, but yesterday, manufacturers will have to adjust the price to around 1.68 million yuan / ton , but the turnover is still relatively weak .

In addition , lanthanum , cerium oxide market transaction on a slightly downward, falling tax price 1000 yuan / ton. Other products such as europium , gadolinium , terbium , yttrium unchanged .

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Most rare earth products market is weak, businesses look weak outlook

Today, the rare earth market prices stable , offer no significant fluctuations , businesses shipped more positive , some suppliers have started on the outlook bearish sentiment .

There are rumors on the market before purchasing and storage will be executed in recent days , but the majority of rare earth products offer a smooth , there is some downward price trend , price and failed to pull up sharply . The understanding with the merchants , relatively more positive before the holiday bullish sentiment , market outlook, and now businesses that rare earth prices is very likely to continue to decline . Last May , June more rare varieties fell sharply to the bottom , it means there is a business without a vote last year, dysprosium oxide had fallen below $ 1 million , according to the current price and demand may continue to decline in the future is not avoided.

Nearly a week of rare earth market inquiry and the main products are concentrated in the procurement neodymium oxide, praseodymium oxide and dysprosium , quotes perspective, basically stable, but the prices of basic stalemate in the current price, vendor quotes purchase price is too high or too low, turnover are difficult to carry out . Neodymium oxide, praseodymium industry for nearly two weeks to give businesses a reference price has been 32.5-33 yuan / ton, while the reference price of dysprosium oxide at 168-170 yuan / ton. As of 14:00, real-time trading data showed today Bo suppliers , dysprosium oxide price today is slightly down, with an average ticket price is not displayed as 1414 yuan / kg, the lowest price even lower than 1400 yuan / kg , with an average ticket price is shown in the 1654 yuan / kg.

May to europium , terbium oxide prices were affecting demand continues to slump , stable or decreased slightly quotes , according to Ganzhou with suppliers understand europium oxide , terbium oxide low transaction frequency , each transaction is less , may be tens of kilograms, anti downside risk , not a lot of stock traders , demand will have to find goods orders .

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Rare does not dilute the anger still Sheng

Beijing rare earth hoarding , the western countries wrath . However, this problem has solved itself . Deutsche Welle columnist Zelin that there is no insight came only WTO .

If Russia's natural gas supply restrictions , Africa and the oil-exporting countries were reduced output of diamonds and oil , it first had it. Furious over the world , prices rise, but true. But rare is another matter. Especially since this stuff from China . Just recently the World Trade Organization ruled that China must not reduce exports of rare earths .

Go complain to the WTO is obvious the U.S., EU and Japan. Because Western countries fear Yeah. This is related to the supply of raw materials. Advanced industrial countries produce displays, wind power equipment and high-tech products such as electric vehicles must be used when rare .

The relevant provisions of the WTO have been mined raw materials must be supplied to the international market . When setting prices according to supply and demand may be. This also will be able to guarantee the status of the industrial countries of large customers . But at the same time also raised the WTO should implement sustainable exploitation of resources . This naturally also with the Chinese side 's intention : to protect the environment less mining. But Chinese people took advantage of this reason can not be accounted for in the WTO lawsuit . Chinese people faced with the WTO ruling , said the case must appeal immediately .

The industrial sector more metal can be recycled from the old machine inside
through new processing procedures
People feel Paradoxically, the quarrel had deviated from the origin of things . Initially a few years ago when a sudden decrease in the supply of rare earths , the West and China began quarreling . But now the problem of rare earth supply has actually been resolved. Industrialized countries spent some time looking for alternatives to rare earths , and they found it. More metal can be recycled from the old machine in the adoption of new processing procedures. Industry has learned in the production process to reduce the use of rare earth consumption .

Suddenly became rare earth supply glut , prices have fallen . Now the price dropped compared with three years ago : decrease in the value of different rare earth metals contained as high as 70% to 95%. Westerners then filled with anger now appears to be somewhat overreacting .

Rare earth is not , but the metal element. Although called rare earths , is not rare. According to estimates , currently available global rare earth reserves of about 285 years . The reserves of existing resources is sustainable over 3400 years . In the eyes of Westerners only one problem : most of the rare earths are mined in China , which formed the Chinese monopoly on rare earths supply market , rare earth is called " China metal" may be more appropriate.

WTO ruling is actually the result of a large bureaucracy act , and this reality can not be changed. However, this may make the Western countries in the political own goal . If you continue to make a similar WTO ruling , the WTO 's trust in Beijing will decline. And this distrust exists among many emerging countries . India and the WTO dispute on the issue of agricultural subsidies , protective tariffs levied Brazil dissatisfaction on detained hat.

Like the rare earth issues, the people on the issue of international trade arbitration agencies also talk in the market principles of supply and demand . Due to these arbitration institutions ' demand ' to rise in emerging countries to establish rule out altogether the western countries ' own institutions . "

In several continents across the world , while the forthcoming FTA formation , but also generate some new institutions, such as banks deal with the World Bank, the BRIC countries and the emergence of the process of being built . These organizations have their own rules of the game , do not listen to the West.

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