How to Find a Replacement Watch Band

It's happened to many of us. You put on your favorite watch one morning and alas: The band breaks. Well, don't worry. Replacing that watch band--whether you wear an heirloom timepiece or a state-of-the-art chronometer--is easier than you think. With some research and due diligence, you'll be keeping time again without skipping a beat.

1.Contact your local watchmaker. Yes, there is a watchmaker near you--you need only look. It's true that most watchmakers today are repairmen, but their antique trade name lives on. Your local watchmaker likely has access to innumerable replacement watch bands that can be delivered by suppliers around the world. Even if your watch is one of a rare breed or one that has been handed down over generations, your area watchmaker is likely to be able to locate a replacement. It may not be an original, but time will march on nonetheless.

2.Visit places where watches are sold. There are countless examples of replacement watch bands at local department stores or jewelers. This option is likely to be most effective for those looking to replace the band of a more modern timepiece. With the right tools and a little patience, you may be able to replace your watchband yourself. If you're not in the fix-it frame of mind, your local department store or jeweler can probably do it for you, or sell you the hardware to take to the watchmaker.

3.Search for a replacement online. Whether your watch is new or old, numerous websites offer replacement watch parts, and watch bands are no exception. It is advisable to email or call watch part vendors before completing your purchase to make sure you've chosen the right replacement part for your watch. In addition, try to stick with a reputable company that has customer references available, to ensure you get a fair deal and the right watch band delivered in a reasonable time frame.


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