Keep the pressure up to combat illegal rare earth

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Customs, Taxation, Business Administration, Administration of Work Safety eight departments jointly issued the "rare earths, request further investigation of illegal acts letter" require further investigation of the local RE illegal activities.

It is reported that the Ministry of eight departments and China Rare Earth Industry Association, composed of four inspection groups, respectively in Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Sichuan seven provinces (regions) of the country to combat rare illegal behavior on progress made checks. Inspection found that the relevant provinces (regions) of the alleged existence of the business acquisition, sale and comprehensive recovery in the name of the name of the production and processing of illegal use of rare earth minerals, unplanned, over plans to produce other illegal clues.

In recent years, the relevant departments attach great importance to the fight against illegal behavior of rare earth industry exist. Since August 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection and other seven ministries, launched a three-month strike of rare earth mining, production and circulation of illegal conduct special operations, and checking to supervise the handling of the issue. This action has dealt with this special 46 cases of illegal mining illegal, and ordered 126 illegal production companies suspend production for rectification, and revoked 16 rare corporate business license, involving a total of seized illegal rare earth materials and 19,000 tons of rare earth products.

However, after more than a year of action to combat illegal rare earths, a free in the regulation of "rare earth black industry chain" has been revealed. In order to avoid regulation and thorough investigation of the country, was shut down some preliminary rare earth companies have started to shift, and after assuming a "resurgence", continues the illegal production, and the staggering production.

In fact, these rare "black factory" capable illegal production, because RE has extensive overseas demand. Before profits, blinded by the "black factory" to laws and regulations, public safety, and life and death aside their desires expansion, stealing becomes no moderation.

And formal rare earth producers compared to those free in the regulatory "black factory" more competitive. On the one hand, these "black factory" can buy cheaper raw materials from some private mining digging mines and other channels. On the other hand, the production of rare earth smelting and not "mandatory production plan" of the constraints, but also save a lot of money into environmental protection equipment spending, even if the price is low, profits are considerable, while the sales is not a problem .

Now, eight departmental action against these violations can play a deterrent. But more importantly, the relevant departments should maintain a high pressure situation of illegal behavior. The focus on comprehensive utilization of resources under the guise of the name of illegal production of rare earth behavior management; establishment of regional linkage mechanism of light rare earths and heavy rare earth crack down on illegal production, in order to achieve the relevant departments and timely communication of information, co-ordination and harmonization of actions; by RE invoices, data sharing, and other means to improve the reporting system, to identify problems and implement investigation.

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