European suppliers of rare earth consumption, prices look sidelines

London (Metal-Pages) reported consumption of rare earth in Europe are currently multi-see attitude towards the next price movements, market participants return to the market after watching the price will change how the Chinese New Year holiday.

The market for light rare earths and heavy rare earths market outlook trends are differences, this sentiment has been reflected in the market price. In addition, part of the European consumer business also complained that the euro fell against the dollar, making their costs increased by about 10%.

Coincides with the Chinese New Year holiday, Chinese exporters to stop the current business, the European part of the rare earth prices have also been some changes. Erbium is currently quoted at $ 49-50 Europe / kg.

Market participants are also discussed in the March to see prices trend. Before the Spring Festival holiday, offer Erbium at $ 40-42 / kg, some traders believe prices will recover in a few weeks this price, because now the Port of Rotterdam is still in stock. Another Chinese traders are also expected to return to the market, to start a new round of offer.

Another part of the market is that the market in the next period of time will remain strong, mainly because of the larger China's State Reserve purchasing and storage expectations. There is no offer Erbium Europe.

Last week the price of cerium oxide is relatively strong, from $ 3.00-3.50 before / kg up to the current US $ 3.20-3.60 / kg, the main part of European buyers reluctant sellers wait for higher prices. This week a small number of transactions in the $ 3.20 / kg. However, industry sources said there is still quoted at $ 3.00 / kg, and the Port of Rotterdam inventory is still large.

It is understood, February 26 quoted European 2N ceria unchanged, still $ 3.20-3.60 / kg.

Although the Chinese New Year holidays, as well as European exporters temporarily withdrawn from the market sellers try to push the market price, but the market has not yttria improved. Insiders pointed out that serious excess supply of yttrium oxide, and pointed out that as the development of LED lighting industry, led to weak demand for yttrium. LED lighting demand for rare earths is small.

European 2N samarium oxide prices currently remain at $ 7-7.5 / kg, while in November 2014, the price was down to $ 5 / kg.

Heavy rare earth market outlook is more optimistic, with the exception of yttrium market. Traders noted an increase in inquiries, a trader said that even small purchases because of the heavy rare earth downstream buyers bargain compared to the intensity of the light rare earths is low.

Currently, dysprosium prices in the $ 350-390 / kg in the interval fluctuations, purchasing and storage affected by China, prices or rise further. At the same time, the market price is not higher than $ 500 / kg level, NdFeB enterprises will not exhibit the transition fears.

Similar market dysprosium oxide, terbium wide fluctuations in price to $ 700-900 / kg. One trader said the week it received two weeks ago to $ 600 / kg purchase price of terbium oxide, the traders believe the market next few months will show strong. Another trader said they are negotiating yttrium oxide and europium transaction, the current trading price is still being finalized.

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