Rare concerns everyone living: there is no reliable way to measure how much left

According to US media reports said, chemist Keith Rivero Nice "Rare: To meet our demands on the Earth's most precious metals expanded competition in high-risk," a book introduces us to a technology called "promethium" element He wrote that this element "can be used to make a sustainable use of decades of atomic battery."

According to the United States, "Boston Globe," the website reported March 1, it would have been a great discovery, but only one small problem: Even if we searched every corner of the globe, the last probably find only a pound or so of promethium . In fact, promethium despite enormous energy, but is extremely rare, so we do not rely on it to form. However, samarium, gadolinium, lanthanum or other rare metals is not the case, they are almost inadvertently become indispensable to modern life things.

For "Rare", a book describing several metals rising demand is the product of the digital age. In fact, almost no kind of new technology does not rely on these elements. Your smartphone is tantalum capacitors do, headphones magnets containing neodymium, erbium fiber optic cable which has, on the LCD screen in vivid colors thanks to europium.

Veronique Nice wrote: "Our future depends on technology and lifestyle of these metals." This is no problem if these metals are not in a very small amount of scattered around the world, and often require complex, costly and time-consuming extraction process. Extraction of metals from a few grams to several tons of rock sometimes take months or even years.

There is no reliable way to measure how many rare left on Earth, but at least there is one thing certain: the maintained iPad, missile systems, and those elements will be exhausted one day the Xbox.

Veronique Nice by telephone at home in Alabama we chatted with political significance and we may seek rare metals which direction to go. The following are his words:

High for 17 kinds of rare earth metals plus several needs. You may have never heard of them, but are exposed every day. Computers, rechargeable batteries, hybrid vehicles, GPS systems, gaming devices, each technology you use almost all involve at least one of these elements.

Rare earth metals to promote technological progress. Without them does not mean we do not have the technology, but we can take a step back. I do not think will return to the fax machine for the era was very excited.

Reported that the world's rare earth reserves richest place is China's Bayan Obo mine. China accounted for 97% of the rare earth market share.

Rare earth metals in other places, too. Parts of central Africa to store a large amount of tantalum, but there's a conflict makes it difficult to exploit. Even mined, it is often used to finance the insurgency. Afghanistan could also have a priceless reservoir of rare earth metals. You just hope that the country will not fall into the same predicament.

On new sources concerned, someone comes to sucking or excavated from the seabed metals, which is worrying. 2013, the Greenland Home Rule Parliament vote to overturn the ban on uranium mining (in extracting metals often find uranium), so this is a promising prospect.

We are likely to go to the moon mining in their lifetime, but in addition to the practical difficulties, as well as greater political obstacles. Who owns the moon? From a political perspective, the asteroid will be easier. Universe, there are so many asteroids, probably no one will fight for them.

Of course, we must be careful. We have seen the movie "Armageddon", know what can happen when you start playing asteroids. But we do not have to worry about it. Before starting into space mining, we also need to make a number of technical progress.

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