Qingdao Port is designated as rare earth export limited port

Ministry of Commerce recently issued a notice specifying the country including Qingdao Port, including nine ports for rare earth export declaration limited ports.

Since 2010, China has cut rare earth export scale, global rare earth stocks almost depleted, China's rare earth consumption accounts for about 70% of the world accounted for 90% of global supply. But over the past three years, a lot of light rare earth export quotas idle. Last December 31, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "2015 list of goods export license management," clearly will perform the export of rare earth export license management, export enterprises with export contracts can only apply for the rare earth export licenses, which means that our country rare earth export quota management system implemented since 1998 has ended.

Rare earth export quotas, on the one hand will increase the difficulty of China's rare earth resources and protect the ecological environment, but also will lead to the introduction of more effective measures to increase protection. According to Customs statistics, in 2013 and 2014, the amount of rare earth export port in Shandong maintained at about 1500-1800 tons, accounting for about 7% of the country's total exports of rare earths, the value at about 120 million to 140 million yuan.

It is reported that, in addition to Qingdao Port, the remaining eight ports are Tianjin, Shanghai, Huangpu, Hohhot, Nanchang, Ningbo, Nanjing and Xiamen port.

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