RE prices are out of the bottom, in the current favorable policy support

With the recent series of good news, the rare earth industry is bottoming out. Currently dysprosium, terbium prices at historically relatively low, combined with the future regulation of the national industrial policy become more severe and growing consumer sector demand, prices become a trend.

Under the influence of a series of policy control, the continued downturn in rare earth prices show signs of stabilizing. Analysts pointed out that, as the industry gradually straighten out the relationship between supply and demand, rare earth prices are expected to come out of the bottom. As this year was the most sluggish non-ferrous metals sub-sector, rare earth plate layout point is slowly opened.

The report notes, rare earth prices are out of the bottom, in the current favorable policy support, while the price of rare earth products all the way up. Data show that since the third quarter of praseodymium neodymium oxide prices have risen, or about 2.7%, other rare earth raw material prices also have different degrees of increase. Institutional analysis, as dysprosium, terbium excellence in the industry, particularly on the high-tech industry can not be replaced, coupled with the extreme scarcity of resources, the supply is limited, the future of rare earth dysprosium, terbium price is bound to be an effective support to its investment value will change over time goes increasingly prominent.

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