Japan and India to jointly produce rare earth metals

Japan and India will be held this fall co-production of rare earth metals. Japanese trading company Toyota Tsusho India nuclear Hall 100% subsidiary of Indian metals company will start production later this year a comprehensive project rare earth metals, Indian companies from uranium and thorium ore extraction intermediate material is then supplied to Toyota Tsusho, Toyota produced by refining trade for electric cars and hybrids of neodymium and other products, first exports to Japan, exports amounted to 4,000 tons, equivalent to the annual demand in Japan for 20% of rare earths.

Japan and India in December 2009 had signed an agreement to jointly develop rare earth mines. However, due to the export price issue negotiations ran aground. On the other hand, since September 2010, the Japanese government and corporate commitment to rare earth "delinking China", and actively acquire Vietnam, Kazakhstan and other places of mineral exploitation rights to make procurement to diversify, but the pass with India cooperation will significantly reduce dependence on Chinese rare earth market. In addition, in recent years in Australia and the United States have been mined rare earth mine, prompting the Indian government decided to resume cooperation with Japan project involved early rare earth market, China Electric Power News Network.

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