National Industrial Planning Power LED Lighting Market Growth


July 3th,2012 , National Science and Technology issued a " semiconductor lighting technology development," LED Interior Lighting second five " special plan ." Accordance with the objectives set in the plan , by 2015 , LED industry scale China to reach 500 billion yuan . And in 2012 , the scale of China's LED industry output was only 192 billion yuan , 500 billion yuan with a large gap remains . Currently , LED lighting has become the largest LED applications, LED industrial scale future growth will drive the growth of LED indoor lighting.

January 10, 2013 , the National Development and Reform Commission and other six ministries jointly developed a " semiconductor lighting energy industry planning ." Accordance with the objectives set in the plan , by 2015 , 60W incandescent lamp for general lighting above all eliminated, the market share will drop to below 10% ; energy- efficient lighting products, lamps and other traditional market share stable at around 70%; LED functionality lighting products market share of over 20%. LED lighting energy industry output value of the average annual growth of around 30% in 2015 to reach 450 billion yuan ( including LED lighting applications 180 billion yuan ) .

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