Price for Tungsten Price Continue to Rise

Quotations of March released by Ganzhou Tungsten Committee and Minmetals Non-ferrous Co. last week, in which wolframite concentrate, APT and medium-particle –size tungsten powder are 122 thousand yuan/standard ton,184 thousand yuan/ton and 285 yuan/ kg respectively, and rose 2 thousand yuan, 6 thousand yuan and 50 thousand yuan respectively compared with February.

65% of wolframite concentrate and scheelite concentrate remain at the same price as February and January according to the quotation of Minmetals Non-ferrous Co. Domestic tungsten market has been keeping warm, after the release of Ganzhou Tungsten Committee and Minmetals Non-ferrous Co, price for relevant products rose as well. At present, APT market is still positive

Domestic tungsten market is gaining steam keeping upward trend, tungsten price is expected to go up in the near future.


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