Theft tungsten steel 2 tons of people behind bars for the fishing cheated 200,000

Couples workers, year two tons of tungsten steel enterprises theft , employee boss unaware ? His wife was arrested, her husband took out a hoax 250,000 ducks Thief RenCaiLiangKong ! May 19 , Taizhou, Zhejiang Province Public Security Frontier Detachment Jin Qing border police arrested suspects Song Lee and her husband on suspicion of theft by procuratorial organs approved the arrest. This occurred in Luqiao Jinqing a large enterprise solder theft, fraud , stolen goods " voir dire " officially entered the indictment stage.

2 tons of tungsten steel a year stolen ! Business owners unaware ?

December 1, 2013 14:00 pm , Lee suspects riding electric cars companies ready to work from the solder . At this time, the workshop colleagues found that Lee brought out from the warehouse of 28 kilograms of tungsten steel was gone , they immediately reported . It thus raises up to 1 year from the time of committing the crime , worth up to 80 million King " voir dire ."

Jin Qing Fu Jianhua , director of border police , told reporters : "In the beginning , after the valuation price department , Lee theft of 28 kilograms of tungsten steel value does not constitute a criminal offense , there is no statement other business owners tungsten steel stolen facts. Thus, the public security organs according to law , Lee made ​​the punishment of administrative detention on the 15th . "

Lee was arrested after the solder organization personnel check the inventory of tungsten steel. "We discovered that inventory tungsten steel and tungsten number of books necessarily a difference of two tons of steel and more , immediately went to the police station to report. " Lin said the responsible person .

Why were missing more than two tons of tungsten steel , employees and bosses are unaware ?

Reporters learned that the investigation , tungsten steel market in about three or four hundred dollars a kilogram, two tons of tungsten steel about 800,000 , although the price is high, but the heavier tungsten steel quality , easy handling, personnel management companies for this neglect .

Lin told reporters: " Lee and other staff responsible for the first step of grinding tungsten steel , so only they have the key to the warehouse , can receive tungsten steel. However, the warehouse did not set up a special administrator , do not have to register to receive tungsten steel , only until the end of the year to take stock check out . "

" From the beginning to the end of incidence , 12 months tungsten steel companies never check inventory , suspects terms of ants form two tons of tungsten steel steal a little bit of business , is not difficult. " Fu Jianhua said.

250,000 yuan PR release ? Duck Thief RenCaiLiangKong !

Police believe that this case Lee suspects significant ! But this time , Lee administrative detention for 15 penalties have been implemented , and leave Taizhou , plus the width of the case long time , very difficult to verify .

After a preliminary , the police learned that Lee 's husband was also in Song Jinqing workers, but also engaged in cargo transportation . " After the filing, we decided to investigate and collect evidence , Taizhou traveled all commercial banks , the survey Song Lee and her husband, bank accounts , funds in the account and they found a big difference in real income . " Fu Jianhua said.

It is understood that Lee and Song couple month's wages add up to only about 7,000 yuan, but the past year, but the flow of funds accounts of up to 40 million.

Around the Spring Festival , Jin Qing border police station to ask the case more than 100 employees and witnesses , investigation and evidence collection , evidence of a crime to master Lee couples . April 2014 , the police in the Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade road and bridge assistance rushed Zhoukou City suspects were arrested and her husband Lee Song .

In the face of the evidence , Lee explained , in early 2013 , the result of operator error , damaged two tungsten steel , deducting money for fear of the boss , they put tungsten steel pocket back home , I heard that let her husband take valuable tungsten steel go out and buy . Since then, the couple has seen the "business ."

"Every day I come up from the warehouse tungsten steel , used in the process , some of it to take home , and more time to put the battery under the seat , less time directly into the pocket, my husband says that tungsten steel to sell . More than a dozen a day , two pounds , and now there are two t know took so much . " suspects Lee said .

Song suspects confirmed stolen out after Lee tungsten steel , by found by the roadside recycling Lu underwent received stolen goods , both sides agreed to the price of 150 yuan per kilogram recycled tungsten steel , total revenues of nearly 400,000 .

" We were also cheated 250,000 ! Last 12 years , my wife has been caught stealing tungsten steel , I fear things before official cartoon , dragging fishing acquaintance who thought the police station , that an acquaintance gave 250,000 yuan to settle this matter. Now, people come in , the money has gone. " Song said.

Voir 6 people with depression imprisoned ! How to strengthen corporate prevention ?

Originally, after Lee was arrested by public security organs , the suspect Kwak, Yemou , Lin heard this, they found Song to put man to the police station by a public relations fraud 250,000 yuan . Currently, Jin Qing border police station has arrested three people .

" This case involves theft, stolen goods , fraud and other criminal acts , at present, the police have suspected theft Lee couple suspected fraud Kwak and the others , suspected of the crime of stolen goods Lu underwent a total of six comprehensive suspects arrested . " Fu Jianhua said.

Song said, "We could have been an honest man, I'm afraid it is too , tried to persuade his wife to stop. However , looking in vain so much money coming in , think it out so many times is not found on the big guts . "

In the eyes of colleagues and boss , Lee is the first one to the shop every day at work , the last one to leave the shop , seems to be the most diligent workers , but who did not think , is that an honest man could not be found in the continuous theft of the year .

"This thing , a great lesson for our business , there is a big loophole in the security . " Lin told reporters .

Reporters learned that the investigation , Jinqing developed industrial base , many small and medium enterprises widespread safety problems, including a lack of security equipment , security consciousness, door post system useless , and so on .

" Business owners , we must raise awareness of security , whether it is theft or fire , have strict rules and norms , have someone check the oversight , but also a qualified protective equipment , so as to resist the criminal behavior of some unscrupulous elements . " Fu Jianhua said.

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