Ganzhou Two Companies Won The 2013 Colored Mayor Quality Award


Recently, I learned from Ganzhou City Bureau of Quality Supervision, the second Mayor Quality Award announced Ganzhou, Ganzhou Chenguang Rare Earth New Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd., etc. Yaosheng three companies on the list.

It is reported that the second session of Ganzhou City Mayor Quality Award contest in March 2013 officially opened, the award is based on the relevant provisions of the municipal government "on the issuance of Ganzhou City Mayor Quality Award Management Measures notice", according to "scientific , open, just and fair "and" high standards and strict requirements, selecting the best is good "principle, voluntary corporate reporting, the relevant units (departments), based on the recommendation, after qualification, material review, comments, customer satisfaction evaluation, site assessment, Mayor Quality Award Committee held a plenary session and a public notice and other procedures, considered by the municipal government, the selection produces Mayor Quality Award.

It is understood that Mayor Quality Award is the highest honor the city's established quality, but also the city's first mayor in the name of the award, established quality reward system. Not more than 3 each assessment, award winners every 200,000.

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