Under the Ridge Tungsten demonstration base construction site inspection by the national inspection team

Comprehensive recovery from Jiangxi Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd. under the ridge implementation Zhang bucket mining of low-grade resource recovery and camphor plant tungsten fine mud bucket and two tungsten polymetallic mineral resources comprehensive utilization demonstration base project , after three years of construction, made initial results. April 14, 2014 , 15, 2009, the Ministry of Finance , Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources base model verification team to the next ridge Tungsten Industry Demonstration Base Year 2013 site verification project construction . After listening to the corporate project presentations , access to information, the on-site verification , the verification team fighting for camphor plant tungsten polymetallic fine mud and comprehensive recovery program to advance into the trial satisfied the commissioning phase of the demonstration project construction schedule , quality and effectiveness , funding use , accounting norms and fully affirmed , demonstration projects to speed up and standardize management demonstration projects , to ensure the full realization of the construction of the demonstration project is expected to result.

This is the organization's national demonstration base project third annual on-site inspections . Li Zhong , deputy general manager of the Jiangxi Tungsten Group Co. , Xing-Hua Xie , production director James Paul , accompanied by verification procedures .

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