Tips for Buying a Ring for a Surprise


Ask your partner's mother or one of her friends if they know her finger size.
Borrow one of your partner's rings (from the correct finger) and use the Ring Sizer PDF to determine its size.
Don't worry if you've ordered the wrong size. Just ship the ring back to us, and we'll re-size it any time. See our policies for details.
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Tips for Measuring Your Finger


Here are some tips to make your ring size measurement more accurate:
Confirm the printed paper size with a ruler.
Pull tightly. The sizer must fit snugly to produce an accurate size.
Don't measure cold fingers. This is when fingers are their smallest.
For the most accurate reading, measure your finger at the end of the day when it is largest.
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How to Get Laser Engraving For Your Ring


Add the ring to your shopping cart with the desired size Select "Yes" in the engraving drop down box.Enter the engraving text in the text area.
Click "Add To Cart" button to purchase the service and your ring.
If you engravings on both inside and outside, you will have to purchase this service twice (contact us for exterior engraving details since there may be limitations depending on the exterior design).
If you select "Other" for the font choice there may be additional costs depending on the complexity of the desired font. Custom engravigs that contain images or characters not available through standard fonts may also incur additional charges.
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Laser Engraving in Ring


Many people desire the option of customizing their tungsten carbide jewelry. Traditionally with gold, titanium, and platinum rings, jewelers would etch the desired engraving onto the jewelry and all would be okay. Tungsten Carbide is much different from traditional metals. Due to the extreme hardness of tungsten carbide traditional etching will result in a non-attractive and sometimes result in weakening the ring itself.
Tungsten Direct recommends that ANY engraving for tungsten carbide jewelry should be performed with a laser engraver. Laser engraving does not damage the tungsten in any way. No force is applied to the ring, all engraving is performed by computer controlled lasers that can precisly etch the desired message into an ultra sharp and crisp finished product regardless of the size of the text.
Since tungsten bands cannot be resized and engraved jewelry cannot be refunded or exchanged we recommend that the following steps are taken to ensure that your ring will indeed be just right for you.
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How to Purchase the Ring


Collect it just before the proposal. That way you can avoid worrying about keeping it safely.
Be sure to check that your insurance covers its loss, or ask for insurance from the jeweler's store if available.
Ask for a certificate of authenticity and a warranty to accompany the ring. Certificates are very useful to collect with a diamond to find out exactly where they originated from. They are usually only available with the purchase of diamonds larger than just under 1 carat. For smaller diamonds, a certificate would add a considerable amount to the cost of the stone as you may end up paying an extra several hundreds of dollars or pounds to obtain one.
Insure! The ring is likely to be the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever bought, and the most expensive piece of jewelry your fiance (we hope) has ever worn. To prevent her from having to give it up for appraisal and insurance when she's just getting used to wearing it, get it done before you pop the question.
Set off - it's time to propose!
Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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How to Know Your Diamonds


Diamonds tend to be the traditional engagement ring choice, because they are enduring, and match everything. Diamonds are the hardest material that’s why it’s suitable as a gemstone for diamond solitaire engagement rings. They don’t lose their polish and they are resistant to scratching. The only way for diamonds to be scratched is by other diamonds. As engagement and wedding rings are worn daily people prefer diamonds which suit perfectly for every day wear due to its above mentioned properties. The word “diamond” comes from ancient Greek and means “unbreakable”. They are said to have been first found in India. Diamonds have become popular since 19th century due to the progress in its technology. There are natural diamonds and diamonds produces synthetically as well as diamond stimulants such as silicon carbide and cubic zirconia which look like diamonds and even have qualities of it. To distinguish one from another several gemological techniques are used. Only deviate from a diamond if you know that your girlfriend loves another stone much, much more, or has voiced her intense dislike of diamonds. When choosing a diamond, be aware of the "Four C's", as follows:
Carat: This refers to the unit measurement of the diamond, and refers to weight (not size). Every carat has 100 points. Engagement rings are often 1 carat but the ring you choose will obviously depend on your budget. A 1 carat ring on a limited budget may not rate very highly in other areas, taking away from its overall beauty.
Color: The color of diamonds varies considerably and most people prefer a very white colored diamond for an engagement ring. Colors are graded from D (colorless and rare) and most good quality diamonds will be around F and H and grades D to I are acceptable to buy as they are almost identical when mounted.
Clarity: Being natural, there will be imperfections in the diamond. The less imperfections, the greater the clarity and the more light is reflected from the diamond, causing it to "sparkle". Naturally, more clarity increases its value. Perfectly flawless diamonds with no internal flaws or surface blemishes are very hard to find as they are extremely rare. Fewer flaws in a diamond result in greater brilliance as more light is reflected.
The scale used to grade clarity goes from F1 for a flawless diamond, to VVS1 and VVS2 for very slight inclusions, to VS1 and VS2 for very slight inclusions, SI1 and SI2 for slight inclusions and I1, I2 and I3 for imperfect diamonds.
Diamonds are magnified by 10 times to judge their clarity so very slight imperfections are difficult to see with the naked eye. This means that there is a range of diamonds available even for more modest budgets. If you can see a mark without magnification, however, think carefully before you buy. The location and darkness of an imperfection of any given grade (though probably not any "VVS" inclusion, which is simply too small, and rarely a VS inclusion) can affect its visibility so it is safest to see the imperfection magnified or in a magnified photograph before buying.
Cut: There are different ways to cut a diamond, and the type of cut impacts the sparkle of the diamond. The cut that produces the most sparkle is the round (or brilliant) cut, while radiant and princess cuts are good at hiding flaws. Other cuts including square, emerald, pear, marquise, cushion, ssscher, and heart-shaped.[5] The oval shape looks best with larger stones, and looks bigger than the round cut.[6] A high-quality cut (not necessarily above "Ideal") is more important than weight or an extremely high clarity or color grade: a diamond, like a road reflector, shines light back out the direction it came in and breaks it up a bit in the process. If the sides are ground at the wrong angles (sometimes through less-than-perfect workmanship, sometimes to increase weight with extra width or depth) quite a bit of light will not shine back out the right way--much more than would be lost to a very faint yellowish or brown tint or a speck visible under a loupe. It is also important to base your selection of diamonds based on objective data such as ASET or Idealscope images that you can acquire from your jeweler.[7] This is particularly important if you are buying a diamond engagement ring online.
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How to Check Durability of Engagement Ring

The durability of the band is important, as constant rubbing and knocking from daily activities will eventually wear down the band. And office work is a killer, with paper acting as a mild abrasive on gold bands. If you can afford it, platinum is the preferred choice for wedding bands as it is more durable than gold.[3] Titanium and steel are also fairly resistant, while the purer the gold, the softer it is and more prone to wearing.


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Check the Practicality of the Ring


If your girlfriend is a real outdoorsy type, consider a ring that is able to cope with the wear and tear of constant activities. The higher the positioning of the gemstone on the ring, the easier it is for it to get caught on clothes, gear, hair, etc. and the greater likelihood that it'll get knocked about. Look for a lower gemstone setting for an active girl, and a higher setting for a fashionista or glamor girl.
Obviously your girlfriend can also remove the ring, but the desirability of the shape and size of the ring will often be proportionate to her outdoor interests, as a girl who is always on-the-go will be more likely to prefer a compact, less obtrusive style of ring than a girl who is highly fashion conscious and puts a lot of effort into preparing her outfits.
Read How to figure out her ring size so that you get it right if you're not choosing together.
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Find out the Her Tastes of Engagement Ring


If you're purchasing the ring without her, choosing one will be will more difficult where the ring is a surprise because obviously you won't be able to ask her. Do keep in mind that nowadays, many women prefer to be part of a joint decision to purchase a ring, so if you find it really difficult to know her style and taste, provide a temporary ring and tell her that you'll choose the real one together. Some of the ways to try and work out her taste include:
Asking her about rings in general. If you're going past a jewelery store pretend to be interested in a watch. Then casually drop a comment about the styles of rings, saying you like a certain type and asking her what she likes. If you're very good, she won't notice the ruse. If you're not so good, she'll probably tweak but she still won't know when! Other ways of getting her to talk about engagement rings is to make a comment about a friend's engagement ring and to ask her preferences at the same time.
Ask her family for ideas. This will depend on whether or not you want them to know before she does, of course.
Another ruse is to have her friends take her into a store to ask her "just for fun". You'll need to have absolute trust in them to keep quiet and to pull this off. It's not a good option if you'd prefer to keep it quiet until the moment of the proposal.
Sum up her tastes from the clothes she wears and her existing jewelery. You're in the best position to know whether she likes plain, fancy, patterns, large or small fashion statements. Is she traditional, classic, contemporary, or way out there? Use what you do know about her fashion preferences to your own advantage.
Is she an impassioned supporter of Fair Trade and human rights? Be sure to look for recycled gold and conflict-free diamonds as part of your choosing process.
Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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How to Choose a Good Jeweler


The main thing to remember here is that expensive doesn't necessarily equate with being the ideal jeweler. Look for a store that makes you feel comfortable, where the staff are pleasant and helpful, and where the advice they provide gels with you. As well, be sure to look somewhere that fits within your budget range; this avoids the inevitable disappointment at finding something that would be "just perfect if it didn't cost so much". If you can, check that the jeweler is registered with a society, association, or organization that regulates, certifies, etc., jewelers, such as the National Association of Goldsmiths in the UK.
Ask around your married friends or your family for recommendations on a good, trusted jeweler. Obviously, this will mean they'll know what you're up to, although you can just say that you want to buy a nice piece of jewelery.
An online jeweler such as James Allen or Blue Nile can be a good option if you're willing to accept a little less "hand-holding" for a better price. (You might consider this an advantage as a low-pressure sales environment, but a good retailer shouldn't pressure you, either.) Be sure to check that the jeweler has an excellent reputation because a customer could be at much greater risk of subtle fraud with diamonds and precious metal than with most other products.
If you're happier proposing first and shopping for a ring with your fiancée, take her preferences for the store into account as well. This is easier where you'd prefer that her choice and tastes are fully accounted for; it's just as romantic, but it means you'll need to provide a mock-ring for the engagement, and explain to her that you'd rather the two of you choose the ring together.
Another thing to discuss with the jeweler is the ability to custom design the wedding ring to match the engagement ring. You might like to think ahead to this eventuality because it can be a stunning combination to have both rings matching well together.
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