Soft-Tip Dart Hints
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 09:15
Soft-tip darts are a contemporary answer to the question of how a bar or pub can safely offer the game of darts to patrons whose judgment may be hampered by alcohol. The plastic-tipped darts still are a potential hazard but nowhere near the danger posed by steel-tipped darts. Soft-tip dartboards are found in homes all over the world, and that has helped heighten the game's popularity. There are a few tips every soft-tip dart player could benefit from.
Weight recommends paying attention to the weight of your soft-tip darts if you plan on getting involved in league play. The official weight of competitive darts is measured in grams, and a 16 gram soft-tip dart normally is acceptable in most league situations. By comparison, the average steel-tip dart weighs anywhere from 20 to 25 grams. That drop in weight between a steel-tip and soft-tip dart can take some getting used to for people accustomed to using steel-tip darts. Prior to entering any competitions, confirm the allowable weight for soft-tip darts and then play some practice rounds to get used to the lighter dart.
Casual dart players sometimes take the importance of the dart flight for granted. The flights are the fins on the back of the dart, and they can be changed to accommodate your particular needs. According to the shape and size of the flight will affect how the dart flies. Smaller flights allow the dart to go faster, and wider tails on flights can make the dart arc higher when its thrown. The flights on soft-tip darts normally are made of plastic and are very easy to change. Spend time experimenting with the many different kinds of flights to determine which one works best for you.
If you plan on using soft-tip darts, then plan on having spare tips around. The plastic tips are threaded on the front of the dart and screw on and off easily. Tips will need to be replaced over time because they tend to bend with use. Constantly straightening tips makes them weak, and they can break; in some cases, the tips cannot be straightened at all. Plastic tips also tend to break on contact with the board when the dart hits the board at a bad angle. Always have a pair of needle-nose pliers on hand to help remove broken tips from the holes in the board.
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How to Throw a Perfect Dart
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 10:30
Practice does not make perfect if your form is all wrong. There is a technique to throwing the perfect dart that will have to be utilized every single time. Your form and technique is what makes an accurate shot happen.
1.Understanding the basics of throwing is very important. Your arm determines where the dart is going to hit and once you learn and perfect this, you will be able to hit where you want to everytime.
2.The parabolic curve is how the dart will fly through the air. This is the same curve that bullets and baseballs fly on. Achieving this curve is by holding your arm straight out, bending it at the elbow. Keeping this form and holding it will lead to success.
3.With the dart in your hand, take aim at where you want it to go. Keep focusing on the spot you picked and not the dart itself. Once that is decided, make sure to keep your shoulder straight at all times. Release the dart, following through with your arm all of the way. When you start to throw, go slower and then gradually speed up.
4.Once you get the form down of how to throw the perfect dart, you will be doing it every time. Your technique will get better and better the more that it is used.
5.Trying to do tricks, like spinning or twisting the dart, will interfere with the parabolic curve and the dart will most likely not land where you intend for it to go.
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Technique of How to Aim a Dart
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 10:25
In darts, taking proper aim before throwing is the key to hitting your target. Some dart players do not even actively aim, but others can focus in on each diagonal line and really concentrate on the board. Either way, a nice, smooth technique is required to accurately hit the target. Darts definitely requires practice to find your stroke, but when you practice enough, your shots will become more precise.
1.Find a good sight line on your throwing hand. Some players line up two of their knuckles on their throwing hand with the target. Others use the tip of the dart. Choose one that works for you and use it consistently. This helps you with accurate aim from one throw to the next. Your confidence in your dart game will rise as you become more comfortable with your throwing technique.
2.Begin the dart throw by leading with your elbow. Note where your elbow is pointed; the dart will follow in that direction. Point your elbow slightly up and at the dart board. This will result in balanced throws .
3.Use your best, or dominant, eye to aim. Use your stronger eye to aim at all times when throwing. Using the same eye allows you to aim using the same sight line, so that you do not have to readjust to a new aiming strategy.
4.Imagine your target as being bigger than it really is. Doing this before you throw will help you relax and really focus on your aim.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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How to Get a Bull's-Eye in Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 10:21
A dart board looks like a target with the bull's-eye at the center of the target. Rules and point values vary depending on the type of dart game you are playing; most dart games require that players hit the bull's-eye. Hitting the bull's-eye requires a keen eye and a steady hand. Similar to other recreational sports, darts requires practice to become a consistent and better player. Challenge your friends to a dart game and see who can get the most bull's-eyes.
1.Stand at the designated line a specific distance away from the dart board. Moving in front of this line may disqualify the throw.
2,Place three or more fingers around the dart and aim it toward the circle in the middle of the dart board. The center circle is known as a double bull's-eye; in most games it's worth 50 points. The ring around the center circle is known as a single bull's-eye and is usually worth 25 points.
3.Stand with your dominant side facing the target. For example, if you are right-handed, stand with your right side facing the target; your left side should face the target if you're left-handed.
4.Lean slightly forward to be closer to the target, maintaining balance which helps with accuracy.
5.Line up the dart with your eye and the bull's-eye. Bring up the elbow so it's perpendicular to the ground.
6.Keep your body still and throw the dart toward the dart board from your elbow, extending the arm toward the target.
7.Practice the throw until you become comfortable with it and are consistently hitting the bull's-eye or close to it.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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Soft Tip Dart Tips
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 21 October 2013 14:44
Soft tip darts is a game that has evolved from the traditional game of darts. The tips of the darts are made of plastic and are designed to be used with an electronic dartboard. Being plastic, the darts are safer and reduce the risk of damage to the area surrounding the board.
How To Play
The soft tip version of the game is relatively new and originates from the U.S. As with traditional darts, players can choose their game. As the dartboard is electronic, machines can be programmed for a variety of darts games including 701 and cricket. Rules remain the same as those for steel tip darts. Players throw from the set distance of 7 feet, 9 1/4 inches at a board which is hung at 5 feet, 8 inches. The face of the board is made up of small holes to accommodate the entry of the dart. Each time a player throws a dart, the electronic scorer (situated at the side of the board) calculates the score, subtracting it from the player's previous total. Both scores are displayed on the scoreboard adjacent to the dartboard.
Tips For Playing
Playing soft tip darts involves a great deal of accuracy. The darts have a tendency to bounce out of the board between or out of the holes. It is essential not to throw the darts too hard, especially if throwing from a closer distance. The weight of the dart is also important. Some leagues or competitions limit the weights of the darts used. Therefore, it is advisable to play with darts that weigh 18 grams or less. Heavier darts can result in broken tips and may not be allowed by organizers of leagues. In terms of technique, try to avoid leaning way over the throw line when throwing, as this can result in a loss of balance.
When playing, bring extra tips. The plastic points on the end of the darts are prone to breaking, so it is best to carry a supply of extra tips in a case. The tips come in a variety of colors and screw into the barrel of the dart. Broken dart extractors can be purchased, so that in the case of a tip breaking, the part of the tip lodged in the barrel can be unscrewed and retracted.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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Soft Tip Dart Throwing Advice
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 21 October 2013 14:41
If you're tired of needing one number to close out a game of darts but you continually misfire, some simple throwing tips will help you create a consistent form and improve your skill.
Darts is a game of touch, not force. Many beginners grip the dart too tightly. It's best to grasp it loosely with at least three fingers, but not so loose that you drop it. Depending on the size of the barrel, you might need to adjust your grip.
A standard grip involves placing the dart in your open palm. After you balance it, use your thumb to roll the dart to your fingertips. Keep the dart pointing or facing up.
Put your right foot forward. When you aim, set your eye, the dart and the target in a line. This is an effective way to decrease error caused by sideways motion of your arm.
Place your weight on your forward foot. Use your back foot for proper balance. Always keep your forward foot grounded.
There are advantages and disadvantages to leaning. The more you lean forward, the closer you are to the board. However, this also makes darts more physically demanding and can create an unbalanced throw. Find your best throwing position by practicing.Don't lift your balance leg when throwing. Always keep it on the floor.Keep your body still while you throw. It's all in the wrist.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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The Differences in Soft-Tip & Steel-Tip Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 21 October 2013 14:34
Steel-tip and soft-tip are the two most recognizable forms of the sport of darts. Soft-tip, predominantly played in America and Western Europe incorporates the traditional rules of darts, however involves throwing at an electronic board. Steel-tip, originating from the UK is the most common form of the game, consisting of a bristle board and darts with a sharp steel point.
Steel-Tip darts
Steel-tip darts consist of a sharp steel point on the end of a specific type of barrel, for example brass or tungsten. They are used when throwing at a traditional bristle dartboard. Steel-tip darts can weigh up to 50 grams, though you will have difficulty finding any above 30 grams. Most players (including professionals) throw darts that weigh from 20 to 25 grams.
Soft-Tip darts
Soft-tip darts get their name from their plastic dart points. Soft-tip darts tend to be lighter, at 16 to 24 grams, meaning the dart has a better chance of staying in the board. It is recommended to throw as light a dart as permitted; some leagues and tournaments ban what they deem to be heavy darts as they may damage the board. The same stems and flights can be used with soft tip darts as steel tip, the main difference to the composition of the dart is the point.
Steel-Tip board
Traditional dartboards are made from tightly compacted bristle, with thin metal wires seperating each section of the board. The marking of scores is to be done manually as opposed to the preset scoring system present in most electronic soft tip boards. Both forms of the game use the same color scheme.
Soft-Tip board
Modern electronic dartboards come in a variety of forms, with quality and pre-installed games including U.S. cricket and standard 301 to 1001. Players throw from slightly further away than on steel-tip boards (8ft as opposed to 7ft, 9"). Each hole in the board is designed to fit the dart point.
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How to Play with Soft Tip Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 21 October 2013 14:30
Soft tip darts are designed to be used with an electronic dartboard that has tiny holes pre-drilled in the face to accommodate dart entry. With soft plastic tips, you don't have to worry about walking out of your local pub with a dart sticking out of your scalp. They offer a distinct safety advantage. Here's a look at the rules and considerations that are specific to soft tip darts.
1.Hang the board. As in steel tip darts, the center of the soft tip board should be at 68 inches. (5 fee 8 inches). When the board is hung correctly, the 20 should be at the top center.
2.Get the measurement correct. The first variation when using soft tip darts as opposed to steel tips is that the throwing line or toe line is slightly further away from the dartboard; the dart board should be eight feet away rather than 7 feet 9 1/4 inches. This measurement is not the distance from the wall, but rather the distance along the floor from the center of the dart board. Hang a plumb down from the center of the board and measure back eight feet. Mark the throwing line off with a piece of tape.
3.Pay attention to weight. Leagues may limit the weights of the darts used and generally it's best to use darts that are 18 grams or less. Heavier darts can cause broken tips and may not be allowed by leagues.
4.Heed the machine. Most leagues and formal games go by the rule that what the electronic dart machine reads is the score, regardless of whether or not it mis-registered a throw. There is no way to change the score, so you must use the machine score.
5.Bring extra tips. The soft plastic tips are prone to breakage, so it pays to carry a healthy supply of extra tips when playing.
6.Don't throw too hard. Soft tip darts have a tendency to bounce off between the holes on the board or out of the holes. This will be exacerbated if you throw hard.
7.Choose your game. Machines can be programmed for a variety of popular dart games such as cricket and 501. Rules are the same as for steel tip darts.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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How to Aim Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Friday, 18 October 2013 09:23
The most important thing about hitting a target, whether it be with a rifle or a basketball, is taking good aim. It is no different in the game of darts. Taking aim before you shoot is the key to accuracy. Here are some tips to take good aim and to focus on your target.
1.Before you throw the dart you need to find a good sight line on your throwing hand. Some people line up the two knuckles of their throwing hand with the intended target. Others use the tip of the dart as their sight line. Choose a sight line and use it consistently.
2.Lead your dart throw with the elbow. Find where your shooting elbow is pointing. The darts will follow in the direction your elbow is pointing. The elbow should point slightly up and directly at the dart board.
3.Use your dominant eye to aim. Everyone one eye that is stronger; it is important to use the stronger eye to take accurate aim. Use this eye to aim at all times.
4.Throw the dart.
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How to Choose Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Friday, 18 October 2013 09:20
1.Choosing the correct darts is a very personal choice. Finding the best dart for you will improve your performance and accuracy. There are many types of darts to choose from. Here are some factors to consider when choosing darts.
Decide on the type of darts you want. Darts come in many types. The most common are wooden, brass and tungsten. The most popular is the tungsten type due to its durability. Tungsten darts also have a smaller barrel which allows you to group darts closer together on the board. Try a variety of dart types to determine which is your personal preference.
2.The next thing you need to decide is the weight of the darts. This is also a personal choice. Dart weights typically range form 12 to 50 grams. Most players use a dart weighing 30 grams or less. A factor is choosing a dart is the speed in which you throw the dart. The heavier the dart, the harder you have to throw it and remain accurate. When you try each dart weight, throw it the same way you normally do and see how the darts react. Choose the weight that best matches your throwing style.
3.The next factor is choosing darts is the barrel grips. The barrel of the dart varies. Some are heavier and some are smooth. Generally the heavier barrel provides a better grip, but depending on your throwing style may not be as accurate. Again, it is a personal choice so find a grip that is best for you.
4.Another factor to consider is the flight of the dart. Flights also come in different sizes and styles. A dimpled surfaced flight will help slow down and stabilize the flight of the dart. Try different flights to see how they affect the path of the darts with your throwing style.
5.Choosing the correct dart for you involves a lot of testing and experimenting. Go to a dart store and try as many different combination of types, weights,barrels and flights as you can. It may take awhile to find the combination which is the best fit for you.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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