Soft Tip Dart Throwing Advice

If you're tired of needing one number to close out a game of darts but you continually misfire, some simple throwing tips will help you create a consistent form and improve your skill.

Darts is a game of touch, not force. Many beginners grip the dart too tightly. It's best to grasp it loosely with at least three fingers, but not so loose that you drop it. Depending on the size of the barrel, you might need to adjust your grip.
A standard grip involves placing the dart in your open palm. After you balance it, use your thumb to roll the dart to your fingertips. Keep the dart pointing or facing up.

Put your right foot forward. When you aim, set your eye, the dart and the target in a line. This is an effective way to decrease error caused by sideways motion of your arm.

Place your weight on your forward foot. Use your back foot for proper balance. Always keep your forward foot grounded.
There are advantages and disadvantages to leaning. The more you lean forward, the closer you are to the board. However, this also makes darts more physically demanding and can create an unbalanced throw. Find your best throwing position by practicing.Don't lift your balance leg when throwing. Always keep it on the floor.Keep your body still while you throw. It's all in the wrist.


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