How to Use a Dart Sharpener
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Friday, 25 October 2013 11:21
Dart sharpeners are very important in the game of darts. Without sharpening the tips of darts, they get dull and don't stick in the board. When darts don't stick in the board, the thrower gets no points awarded. No matter how perfect a player's aim is, in the end it won't matter if their darts don't stay in the board. Here's how to use a dart sharpener to make sure that the darts stay stuck in the dart board.
1.Rub the end of the dart on the stone. Hold the dart parallel to the sharpening stone and lightly rub the dart’s end across the stone’s surface. Make sure to rotate the dart to properly sharpen all sides. Check the tip continuously to ensure that it is sharpening properly and adjust sharpening accordingly.
2.Check the shape of the dart tip. Perfectly sharpened dart tips are not pointed; they have a slightly rounded tip. The tip needs to resemble a ball point pen tip to properly stick in the dart board. If the tip gets a point on it, lightly rub the end on the sharpening stone in circles until it is rounded.
3.Don't overdo it. Darts sharpened to a point are too sharp. These darts often don't stick to the dart board, instead bouncing off and falling to the floor. They also run the risk of damaging the wiring on the board due to their sharpness. New darts in packaging come too sharp to play with. Round the tips of the darts down with the dart sharpener before using them so that they’re not too sharp.
4.Use it frequently. Check the tips of darts before throwing them. It’s probably not necessary to sharpen the tips between every throw, but it does occasionally happen that the tip needs a touch-up. Definitely sharpen darts between games to keep them in top shape.
5.Watch for signs of a bad tip. A bad tip is a tip that is too sharp or completely unsharpened. When playing, the biggest sign of a tip that needs sharpening is the dart bouncing off the board. Sharp, pointed tips slide in without sticking, and bounce off the backing, and flat darts make a big hole that they slip right back out of. This happens both when the tip is too sharp, and when it's not sharpened, or flat.
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How to Sharpen Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Friday, 25 October 2013 11:18
Sharpening darts is a slight misnomer. You do not actually want your dart tips sharp and pointy, but rather rounded and smooth. This prevents darts from bouncing off the wires on your board, maintains a strong dart tip and protects your board. However, you do need to use a dart sharpening stone on your darts when they become flat or develop burrs. Sharpen your darts to take out any burrs that may occur and keep the darts rounded and smooth.
1.Check your dart tips for burrs. Run a nail up and down each dart tip and feel for abrasive burrs. If burrs exist, you'll need to sharpen.
2.Lay the steel tip in the concave section of the sharpening stone.
3.Slowly rotate the tip on the stone.
4.Check the tip to make sure that all burrs have been ground out. The tip should be smooth.
5.Dull the very tip of the dart. If you have sharpened the dart to a point, round it out slightly by holding the dart vertically and pressing the tip against the sharpening stone. Spin the dart in a circular motion until the tip is rounded.
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How to Use Dart Flight Protectors
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Friday, 25 October 2013 11:13
Protect and enhance the durability of your dart flights using flight protectors. Darts is a game of skill and is played by men and women of all ages. For serious players, a flight protector can help eliminate damage with a regular dart use as well as strengthening your flight so that is able to be used over and over again.
1.Purchase flight protectors. Flight protectors can be purchased for a small price from retailers such as sporting good stores and online specialty stores. Typically, for a few dollars you can get several flight protectors in a package.
2.Attach the flight protector to the dart. Flight protectors are small clips that are usually made out of plastic or metal. Clip the flight protectors onto the dart by placing them on the top of each flight making sure to cover all four edges. The flight protectors will fit any shape of flight whether it is a soft tip or steel tip darts.
3.Test out your darts using your flight protectors. The flight protectors may alter the way the darts are thrown since they are also used to help with aerodynamics by keeping the dart flight in good shape. This translates into a more accurate hit when the dart is thrown at the target.
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The Professional Way to Throw Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Thursday, 24 October 2013 19:02
Darts are an enjoyable game that can be played in local bars or in the comfort of your home. The secret to being a good darts player is the ability to be accurate from a set distance time and time again. Professional dart players have the ability to hit specific sections of the dart board consistently, based on their throwing technique, stance and concentration.
Stance is incredibly important when throwing darts. A good one makes you steady and allows you to hit specific areas consistently. Try to keep your legs straight but relaxed, with feet spread apart so your upper body is supported and less likely to move. Your upper arm should also be held steady as you throw, so only your forearm, wrist and hand are releasing the dart. Do not swing, jump or bend your knees when you throw the dart, as people are liable to do. You are not shooting a basketball--darts are incredibly light objects that don't need much power behind them to hit the dart board.
Concentration plays an integral role in consistently throwing a dart accurately. Much like other sports such as golf and bowling, the secret is being able to repeat the same motion time and time again. But the key to darts is you have to make minor adjustments based on where you are aiming. Confidence plays into this concentration element as well. Your body will respond to your brain knowing you will be able to consistently hit a specific target. Of course, this is all easier said than done and even the best professionals have a difficult time mastering this aspect of the game.
Holding the Dart
The dart should be held at a level position with the elbow up at a straight angle. Keep the dart pointed toward the board. Where it is pointing is your focus and intended target. Your grip should be solid but relaxed without putting any tension on your fingers. It's better to grasp the dart loosely then too tight. Only hold the dart with two fingers and your thumb. When you throw it, release it in the direction of where you want it to land and the dart will do all the work. Putting spin on the dart is also unnecessary and will only serve to hurt the consistency of your shots.
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Dart Throwing Style
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Thursday, 24 October 2013 11:10
1.Ensure that you establish and maintain a correct stance. Align your dominant foot flat with the throwing line, slightly leaning your upper body forward in order to edge closer to the board. Your back foot should remain in contact with the floor, but with only your toes touching. This creates a more balanced style, aiding aerodynamics by allowing for a straighter and more consistent throw.
2.Develop a steady arm when gripping the dart by slowly bringing the throwing hand to dominant eye level. One of the key ways to be able to throw good darts consistently is by having a steady arm. Do not throw too hard on release, as accuracy is far more important than power, and throwing too hard may cause the dart to bounce off of the board. Instead, use a push technique to aid aerodynamics, keeping the point straight and following through with the arm. This involves a flat trajectory and, therefore, a straighter dart through the air.
3.Use thin-barreled darts. Gripping smaller thin-barreled darts with your middle finger, index finger and thumb at the front of the barrel means that the dart should land on the dartboard at an angle above 180 degrees. Thin darts also allow for grouping in small sections, such as the bull's-eye.
4.Adjust the dart in a way that suits you. If you have a small hand for example, you may need to use smaller stems to allow for greater accuracy. Smaller flights (or poly flights) improve aerodynamic accuracy and make the dart more stable through the air.
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How to Play Darts Better Using Ergonomics & Aerodynamics
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Thursday, 24 October 2013 11:07
Darts is a complex sport that involves the ability to be accurate and develop a suitable throwing technique. Regardless of the level that you play, amateur or professional, performance may be improved using ergonomics and aerodynamics. Ergonomics is the science of designing equipment to fit the player, whereas aerodynamics is concerned with studying the motion of air, especially when interacting with a moving object. The flight of a dart determines the angle of entry to the board and can be altered when making changes to parts of the dart, such as the stem and flight.
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How to Increase Accuracy at Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Thursday, 24 October 2013 11:04
The game of darts is believed to have originated in the late 1800s in England, after which the details of the game were established and popularity of the game spread around the world. A favorite pastime for some and a professional sport for others, in the game of darts players compete against one another by aiming and throwing darts at a dartboard. There are different tips and techniques you can use to increase your accuracy at darts and improve as a player.
1.Wait some time to focus before throwing the dart. Even if you have a lot of practice playing darts, it helps to wait a few seconds before you throw.
2.Stand properly. One of the most common mistakes players make is standing incorrectly, and this can throw off your aim. Having the proper stance sets up your entire game. Line your body up across from the bullseye on the dartboard, with your leading foot turned sideways to the oche (the line players stand behind when throwing darts, also known as the throw line or toe line), and your knees slightly bent.
3.Grip the dart correctly. Although professionals of the game claim there is no specific right or wrong grip, you do need to hold the dart snugly without gripping it too tight, ensuring it feels comfortable in your fingers and always maintaining a relaxed, yet firm grip. You should hold the dart just tightly enough to keep it from falling out of your fingers. While working to come up with an effective technique that works for you, try a more basic grip, using two fingers and the thumb on your throwing hand, spreading the rest of your fingers up and off the dart for the most effective release.
4.Aim the dart in the right direction. Have at least your pinky finger and ring finger left free, and rather than closing these fingers into your palm, keep them open and away from the dart. Aim the dart with the tip slightly upwards from the dartboard, as you want to achieve a slight curve to the throw rather than aiming straight toward the bullseye in the center of the board.
5.Throw the dart. Move your forearm backward as you prepare to release the dart, and bring your forearm and elbow down smoothly on the follow through. Keep your shoulders straight and down, keeping focus on your throwing arm. Professional darts champion Phil Taylor advises players to "imagine there is a chalk line from your target running down the wall and across the floor."
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How to Get a Dart Tip Out of a Dart Board
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 09:25
One of the more frustrating things that can occur during a game of darts is having a tip stay in the board while the back half of the dart breaks off. The broken tip creates a dead spot on the board because, if a player throws a dart in that exact spot, the dart will bounce off instead of sticking properly. Removing broken tips will solve this problem.
1.Assess how you want to remove the broken tip. Some dart boards allow you to push the tip through the board where it falls into a well in the board that can later be removed. If this is the case, use a dart tip tool. It looks like a rounded awl and fits exactly into the dart tip.
2.Insert the dart tip tool into the dart tip.
3.Push the dart tip through the dartboard until you hear it fall into the well.
4.Retrieve the dart tip. Sometimes the well is open and the tip will fall straight out. Other times you may have to flip the dart board over, open a compartment in back and remove the tip.
5.Necide if it's possible to pull the dart tip out. Some dart boards, such as electronic ones, do not allow you to push the tip through, so you need something to remove the tip. Needle nose pliers or a similar tool will get the job done.
6.Place the needle nose pliers around the broken tip. If the pliers are thin enough, place the top side of the pliers into the hollow tip and the squeeze the grip. Otherwise, you will need to open the pliers around the tip and squeeze the grip.
7.You may need to lean your other hand on the wall or dart board for leverage. Continue pulling with the pliers until the dart tip is removed.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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What Darts to Use?
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 09:22
The game of darts originated before World War I, in European pubs. As the game has evolved, so have the different styles of darts. There are different tip options, flight options (the fins on the back), and multiple shaft materials to choose. Whether you are just starting, you're a seasoned pro, or you have a child that's looking into playing darts, there is a style out there for you.
Hook and Loop Darts
Hook and loop, or Velcro, darts are for children that want to start practicing. These darts are safe and inexpensive, and have a one-piece design. The tip has a hook and loop fastener on the end instead of a point, so there is no danger of injury in case of an errant throw.
Soft Tip Darts
Soft tip darts are a safer alternative in high-traffic areas, or areas around pets or children. These darts have soft, plastic tips and metal shafts. There are low and midrange versions of these darts, where some have interchangeable parts that can be adjusted to your throwing style. These darts must be used in conjunction with a digital dart board, so don't expect them to work on traditional cork or wood boards.
Brass Darts
Brass or copper darts have steel points and a brass shaft with plastic flights. These darts are good if you are a beginner, since they are inexpensive, and can be bent back into shape, or slightly molded to adjust to your throwing style.
Nickel Darts
Nickel darts have a bright, silver finish to the shaft, with a steel point and plastic flights. Some models have interchangeable flights. These darts come in different weights. You may prefer these darts if you are looking for a lower-cost model that you can adjust to your throwing style.
Tungsten Darts
Tungsten darts are very strong and will hold up to heavy play. They have tungsten shafts, and steel or tungsten points, with plastic flights. If you play in a dart league or want to play competitively, these higher-cost darts may be for you. These darts will contain removable flights that you can purchase in different weights to customize to your playing style.
Traditional Darts
Traditional darts, or re-creations of the very first darts, are made with a wooden shaft, steel point, and turkey feathers for the flights. If you are a traditional player and you're looking for a lightweight dart, this model may be for you.
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How to Throw Darts Like Phil Taylor
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 09:18
Phil 'The Power' Taylor is regarded by most as Darts' greatest ever player. There is no right or wrong way to throw a dart; however the 15 world titles achieved by Taylor along with his overall dominance of the sport have led to much analysis and imitation of his throwing style. As Taylor's throwing technique is fairly advanced, it along with most styles requires a fair amount of practice in order to improve accuracy.
1.Position yourself at the center of the toe line. Align your dominant foot so that it is level with the throwing line. Lean your body slightly forward, with the majority of your body weight resting on your front foot; this brings you closer to the board and maintains balance.
2.Place the dart in your open palm; balance it and find the center of gravity. Now roll the dart to your finger tips using your thumb. This should become an automatic movement in between throws and your eyes should remain focused on the target.
3.Rest your thumb against the stem of the dart, keeping two fingers in contact with the barrel (see resources). Phil Taylor is seen to use a 'pencil grip', this is a common method of holding the dart and usually requires a thin cylindrical barrel, like those used by Phil.
4.Bring the dart slowly back towards your right eye, keeping your arm at a 90 degree angle and the point of the dart pointing up. Your eyes should be focused on the specific area of the board you are aiming for. Release the dart at a medium pace. Ensure your throwing arm remains straight at a 180 degree angle on the follow-through. Like Phil, point your index finger towards the board, not the floor.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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