Chinese Tungsten Market Is Weak in Earlier December

Analysis of latest tungsten market from ChinaTungsten Online

Chinese tungsten market remains weak adjustment in the first trading day of December on high pressure of funds. Although enterprises plan to stock up before the Christmas, the demand side continues to be weak with poor market confidence. 

Under the environmental protection inspection, tight supply and high production costs offer supports for the market, but the benefits are disappearing. At present, sellers in the tungsten concentrate market have no willingness in lower product prices; APT smelting factories, pressed by costs and funds, become difficulty in production and sales. 

Given that, short-term tungsten market will continue to be in the downward trend. Buyers will slow down to purchase while sellers are reluctant to sell at low prices with the decline in profits. Market participants are waiting for clear guidance from the market.  

Prices of tungsten products on Dec. 04, 2018

tungsten carbide powder price picture

Picture of tungsten carbide powder 

tungsten carbide powder picture

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