Chinese Tungsten Market Is in a Stalemate

Analysis of latest tungsten market from ChinaTungsten Online

With the stricter environmental protection and high production costs, customers are reluctant to purchase and thus trading volumes are thin. The whole market confidence is weak. Most insiders wait and see for the market outlook. Chinese tungsten market now is in a stalemate.

In the tungsten concentrate market, Chinese environmental protection reduces production and increases production costs, which raise sellers’ rised mentality. But poor trading volumes and weak buying interests of customers discourage businesses. High grade tungsten concentrate price now stabilizes at $15,692.3/t.

Downstream enterprises that are reluctant to enter the market become more cautious to purchase with the release of stable signs from the raw material side. APT price, squeezed by costs of raw materials and pressed by weak demand, now hover around $281.6/mtu.

Downstream tungsten carbide and product enterprises have seen a slowdown in new orders, coupled with the limit for production in smelting factories owing to environmental checks, sales for tungsten powder reduce. Considering continued weak market, tungsten powder price will hovers above $38.5/kg.

Prices of tungsten products on Oct. 30, 2018

Chinese tungsten market picture

Picture of tungsten powder

tungsten powder picture

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