LED Lights to Create A "Green Light"


Automotive Safety and Energy is the eternal topic of development , the core of modern automotive technology development. LED车灯

Light signals are auto language timely sensitive light signals is indispensable to guarantee safe driving . While driving at night because the sight of poor judgment in front of the driver on the road to decline , the light is too bright or low light are likely to cause accidents. According to statistics the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed that while driving at night time only the total driving time of 1 / 4, but the proportion of traffic accidents resulting in deaths accounted for 1 /2.

In addition, the world automobile accidents statistics show that car accidents worldwide each year more than 10 million casualties , including deaths of about 500,000 . The accident occurred three times during the day and at night , the accident rate of adverse lighting conditions when the light is good times when the lighting . "Because LED lights light speed , vehicle speed and road conditions in real time to reflect , leaving motorists longer judgment time . It measured 100 kilometers per hour , the car after 7.5 meters shorter braking distance can make . Effectively prevent rear-end collision , reducing car accidents, active safety is of positive significance to improve the car . " Industry experts said . In addition , LED controllable , such as light type illumination range , linear adjustable brightness can be done , but the traditional xenon lamp to die. In recent years , LED technology continues to develop , the technical shortcomings continue to be overcome , LED lights are more intelligent. For example, some models are equipped with LED headlights on the vehicle to detect radar and control the computer , even if the driver long open beam, the encounter will be automatically reduced to the car lights and even reduce the brightness of the light type .

Energy saving is another significant advantage of the large LED lights. According to the Ministry of Planning , at the end of 2015, automotive lighting carbon dioxide emission reduction targets need to be completed . Since LED lights are cold light source with low power consumption, long life advantages , power consumption is only equivalent to a traditional lamp 1/ 10 , better fuel savings . It is reported that if the energy-saving lamps to everyday analogy , energy saving than incandescent lamps 4/5, but also energy- saving lamp LED than 1 /4. In the car , the same daytime running lights, LED energy halogen element is only 1/20 .

In addition , LED lights as well as high brightness , high temperature , small size, high stability, no radiation and other advantages, is recognized as the "green light ." Future LED will be more car manufacturers of all ages , in automotive applications also will be more extensive , LED automotive lighting market with a bright future .

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