China Tungsten Market Price Spreads Narrow down on Slow Trading

Analysis of latest tungsten market from ChinaTungsten Online

China tungsten market price remains weak adjustment on low buying interests and quiet trading atmosphere. Buyers are not active in purchasing due to rare new increased orders while sellers are cautious to low-price sales under environmental protection policy. The market now waits for the next move in large tungsten enterprises. 

In the tungsten concentrate market, manufacturers remain low level of stocks due to difficult sales, although production in mines is limited by environmental protection and cold weather. The pressure of demand side flows through to raw material market and manufacturers’ rised mentality is weakened. Tungsten concentrate prices hover around at $14,923.1/t. 

The consumption for replenishment is expected to decline at the end of this year, which adds pressure to the sales of spot raw materials. Smelting factories remain low operating rate, downstream factories have not high interests in purchasing raw materials and companies still face stress of capital pressure. Therefore, APT prices will continue the downward trend. 

The tungsten powder market is very illiquid at the moment and the spot market is not very active. There are offers at $37.5/kg but it is not able to achieve any sales at that price any more. People are just waiting for the next move in the market.

Prices of tungsten products on Dec. 20, 2018

China tungsten prices picture

Picture of tungsten powder 

tungsten powder picture

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