Violet Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles Applied for Building Glass Energy Saving Coating

Violet tungsten oxide nanoparticles for building glass energy saving coating can be prepared by chemical precipitation method. Specifically, some experts have used a chemical precipitation method to prepare a reduced phase tungsten oxide powder with a crystal phase and a chemical composition of W18O49. The method is divided into two steps:

violet tungsten oxide nanoparticles applied for building glass energy saving coating picture

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violet tungsten oxide nanoparticles applied for building glass energy saving coating image

In the first step, the tungsten oxide powder is obtained by chemical precipitation method; the second step is to reduce the powder by using a mixed gas of nitrogen and hydrogen. The reduced powder was dissolved in the aqueous solution, and its UV-visible-near-infrared absorption spectrum and the transmittance were tested. The results show that the tungsten oxide nano powder reduced by nitrogen-hydrogen mixed gas has good absorption value in the range of 1400-1600nm and 1900-2000nm, which extends the light absorption range of tungsten oxide powder to the near-infrared region. At the same time, the nano material is excellent in light transmittance in the visible region.



