Two workers Pirates of the value of two million yuan Rare

August 5 hearing on the 1st, responsible for stolen goods Ryu arrested in Zhuzhou, Hunan, thus, the industrial district "7.17" large theft of six were all brought to justice, 110 million yuan stolen money was fully recovered. July 17, a company found precious rare earth materials tantalum pentoxide lost more than a ton, worth more than 200 million. These valuable industrial raw materials, was sale of 110 million. Recently, the theft of rare earth fence chain has other four officers to justice.

XiaoMou 29-year-old, married, early in 2012 he was a foreign-funded enterprises in the industrial district finding a job, the monthly salary is only 2,400 yuan, not XiaoMou support household spending. Earlier this year, a workshop just transferred workers said plant material used is expensive rare earth materials, "thousands of one kilogram it." Speaker has no intention, the listener interested, XiaoMou the heart.

One day in February this year, when the night shift, XiaoMou slipped workshop materials, in a corner of the shop, he found a whole bucket full bucket of rare earths. Pull pull buckle closure, XiaoMou bucket out from a total of 75 kilograms of rare earth three bags, then pull a good pull buckle. Workshop materials door is not completely closed, XiaoMou plug from the door out of three bags of earth, smooth out the factory.

XiaoMou no buyers, he search the Internet, and soon, with Hebei Wang rare earth buyer contact. Wang and his son trio drove to Weihai, carrying $ 180,000 worth of professional testing equipment, "inspection." Verification of purity, the Royal Sons 1000 yuan per kilogram accept XiaoMou hands of 75 kilograms of rare earth, XiaoMou profit 75,000 yuan.

Tasted the sweetness of XiaoMou plan secondary crime. To steal some more, he found fellow Xiao Moumou the same village, the two co-Theft of rare earth materials 220 kg. Wei Wang father and sons again to the acquisition, the XiaoMou profit 220,000 yuan.

Thereafter, Xiaomou, Xiao Moumou out of control, and crime four times Theft of rare earth materials are sold to Wang 1000 yuan per kilogram. To before the incident, XiaoMou crime such as six times, a total of more than one ton of rare earth Theft, profit more than 110 million. Wang and his son places 1,400 yuan per kilogram, second degree fence buyers to Hunan Ryu. July 17 evening, this enterprise workshop materials inventory found more than a ton, worth more than 200 million tantalum pentoxide "not on account", then the police.

Industrial Area police concluded that internal staff to commit crimes, 24, were arrested in the workshop XiaoMou that night Xiao Moumou also been arrested. July 28, the Royal father and sons were arrested. August 1, in Hunan Zhuzhou police assistance, Liu was arrested. Currently, 110 million yuan in illicit money involved has been fully recovered. Xiaomou, Wang, Liu and 6 have been XingJu.

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