How to Present a Promise Ring

You've found that special someone. She is everything you've been looking for. Kind and loving, she puts butterflies in your stomach. You want to take that next step, moving on to the next level--but not "that" next step and not "that" next level. Presenting a promise ring can be a tricky situation if not handled correctly. Easily misinterpreted, the act of presenting a promise ring can be a fine line between looking like a cheesy declaration of love and walking down the aisle.

1.Get the ring. A promise ring could be any type of ring, so that leaves room for interpretation. Typically it does have some type of stone in it, but is generally low in cost. Seek a department store for purchase rather than an expensive jeweler.

2.Pick the right time and place. Having this type of conversation requires a place for good listening and privacy. Presenting the promise ring in a public place could alter the message being conveyed. People seeing a ring may start clapping about marriage and put you in a bad situation. Take a walk and be alone when the talking starts.

3.Have a brief conversation before presenting. A short talk about your feelings and the relationship can ease into presenting the ring. However, don't go too long. Nerves may take over and silence you or your presentee may be expecting a diamond ring. Keep it short and relax, remembering that this is a good thing, not the "big" step.

4.Hold the promise ring out with verbal declaration. State that it is a promise ring so that the ring is not mistaken for an engagement ring. Talk about what you want in the relationship (monogamy, a path to engagement, strong communication) as well as your feelings (love and commitment) while presenting.

5.Establish the relationship. After presenting the ring, discuss what it means and how it will affect your relationship. Talk about terms of seriousness (this is a relationship, not just dating or hanging out), monogamy (exclusivity in the relationship, especially intimacy) and communication (taking more time to talk and learn about one another).


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