J-20 Cockpit Glass Quest (2)

At present, there are only two kinds of coating technology for advanced fighters in the world. They are the United States ITO and the Russian AU. How will China choose?
J-20 cockpit glass image
J-20 adopted the same ITO film coating as the United States and the emperor F22, and also made a slight improvement and upgrade of the coating. It is possible to add nano tungsten or rare earth elements. Russia does not use ITO because the material industry is not able to keep up with it. Because of the manufacture of ITO cockpit glass, it is necessary to laminate different layers of different materials. If the traditional pressure molding method is used, it is unacceptable to make a F-22 like canopy, a laminate, and a full set of processes that take six weeks.
The new injection molding process takes only 1 hours. If the same kind of material, injection molding method is not difficult, but is different acrylic and polycarbonate material, injection molding and each layer can do is not chaos, it is unique, mass production F-22 uses this process. Of course, the style of the US imperialists, such a secret must be covered tightly. But with our strong material and industrial technology, we just relied on ourselves to overcome the difficulties and have been used in the J-20.
Objectively speaking, our J-20 in the material technology has not lost the US Emperor's F22 or F35 even beyond, from the cockpit glass coating technology, it should be more advanced. It is well known that the high temperature resistance of ITO films is 40 degrees lower than that of AU films and has an impact on supersonic flight, but J-20 ITO high temperature resistance can be like T50 AU film as high temperature. J-20 has been a perfect combination of the advantages of the two systems, that is, translucent, but also wear high temperature. Some experts speculate that this may be added to the coating nano tungsten oxide coating material or nano rare earth materials. It can reduce the radar reflection area of the equipment in the cabin, achieve good stealth effect and protect the pilot from radiation and ultraviolet radiation to the maximum extent.
From the J-20 glass coating will be able to see China in recent years in the material science and technology industry to make great efforts, technically, the future development of cheaper, more reliable anti radiation conductive films should be carbon nanotubes, electro coating, that is graphene. Due to the nano-grade tungsten oxide (WO3) and other photochromic, electrochromic and gas-induced discoloration of metal materials for industrial and production and based on the wide application of smart glass. I believe that with China's tungsten and molybdenum and other rare earth metal production and processing technology continues to progress and the leapfrog development of the aviation industry, in the future, our aviation technology, materials and technology will become more advanced.


