How to Keep Score in Darts

Playing darts can bring hours of relaxation and fellowship with friends and family. Learning how to score in a particular game is easy enough for anyone to learn. Whether playing x01 (pronounced oh-one) or Cricket, the game can result in fond memories. Scoring in a game of darts requires only a few basic things. After you know these, scoring becomes a matter of the game being played. The dart board is divided into twenty sections and a bull’s eye with each section having a corresponding number. The instructions here are for the game of x01.

1.Take note of the outer ring of the dart board(B). This ring is also divided into 20 sections and is slightly narrow. The dart that lands in this area scores twice the number of that section of the board.

2.Locate the inner ring (C) that is between the bull’s eye and the outer ring. Darts that land here are worth three times the amount of the particular numbered section.
3.understand the bull's eye. The bull’s eye (E), usually red, is in the direct center of the board. Hitting this gives the player 50 points. The small ring (D) around the bull’s eye is worth 25 points.

4.Keep careful account of all areas. The widest sectioned area count for the points that are the number of that section (A). Each dart thrown will collect points that are then subtracted from the x01 game total.

5.The first person to get enough points to reach exactly zero wins the game.



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