Rare Earth Industry is Facing an Embarrassing Situation

On March 11th, Jiangsu Rare Earth Committee released publicly the operating data for provincial enterprices dealing with smelting operation  in January. In Which the total output and sales volume is 602.73 ton and 695.38 ton respectively, rising 29.88% and 36.98% compared with that of last year. export volume increase by 22.42% to 124.13ton on a year-on-year bases. With regard to output value and revenue, however, these enterprices has greatly droped in the two indices. the revenue in January is $28.61577 m, fell by 48.54% compared with last year, export value is $3.7104 m, declined 87.19%. Profit of these enterprises fell at a dramastic rate at 177.49%, the profit margin was $3.24789m.

A top manager of a rare earth enterprise in Baotou told First Finacial Daily a Chinese business newspaper that while the price of the products  is falling down, rare earth is declining as well, which means profit margin won't reduce.
the Embarrassing situation of rare earth market was not confined only to Jiangsu, An Haixuan the consutant of China Investment indicated that except the bans on exporting, demands from domestic downstream rare earth market shows no sign of recovery. " aparting from Jiangsu Province, big rare earth manufacturers in producing areas have stocked a considerable amount of products  but they were hesitant to shut down producing lines to keep the value of products." he added. 
As rare earth exploitation begin to  speed up, adding the replacement of alternative materials, rare earth price seems not optimistic in the near future.
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