NPC Delegatge Yan Chunhua:Accelerate the Building of Rare Earth Futures Transaction Platform in Ganzhou

China’s rare earth matters to the world. Ganzhou which enjoy the fame as “the kingdom of rare earth”, has developed into the distributing and producing center for rare earth raw material and smelt process from a mere resource base in recent years, making Ganzhou rare earth industry  a one-stop industrial pattern. Yan Chunhua, a NPC delegate and the dean of National Key Lab has been in the research of rare earth for 30 year.

Yan suggested that laboratory of Key Universities and relevant department of Ganzhou should work together in constructing a National-class research center, and further accelerate innovation and enhance the added value of the products meanwhile he recommend to form a reserve system for rare earth resources. “rare earth is of strategic meaning to our country, our country should exploit rare earth resources rationally and buy then back at a reasonable price.

Yan confess that although our country is an important rare earth exporting country, we are still lag behind in high-end technology, our voice in the international market is pretty weak actually, the situation could undermine our national interests. “I propose to build a rare earth futures transaction platform in Ganzhou, that will be of great help in strengthening the price-setting power of our country.


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