America intends to recover rare earth elements from coal

According to 2014 consolidated appropriations bill, the U.S. Congress requires its Department of Energy (doe) to carry out "from coal and coal byproduct streams (such as fly ash, coal gangue and waste water) in the economic recovery of rare earth elements," the feasibility assessment and analysis, while report its findings, if it is determined feasible, the planning recovered from years of research and development programs of rare earth elements in coal and coal byproduct stream to obtain congressional funding.

In response, doe sent a request for information (rfi) before, its purpose is to find technical information about the recycling of rare earth elements from coal and coal by-products of the most promising. Candidate must be a high-performance technology, economically viable and environmentally friendly, suitable for large-scale testing or current current development stage, is expected to carry out a large-scale test in 2020 to 2025 to carry out the deployment.

doe had previously invested $ 120 million was established association of key materials laboratory, trying to seek to reduce dependence on Chinese rare earths, comprising: increasing domestic rare earth production; study of rare earth substitute materials; encourage reuse and recycling of rare earth, rare earth products are usually not included and then discarded after use.

China accounted for 36 percent of global rare earth reserves, but supplies 95% of global production. Previously, the EU also hopes more rare earth metals and precious metal recovery from waste electronic and electrical products.


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