Hunan Jianghua seizure of more than 40 wells in the illegal exploitation of rare earth ore End

September 8 to 15, Hunan Jianghua Yao Autonomous Xianzhengfawei, the Public Security Bureau, Land Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, River Road Town government and other nine departments joint action, dispatched 20 law enforcement officers, on River Road Town territory safflower source village Linjiacun illegal excavation of more than 40 rare earth mine tail illegal sand mining wells and one point on-site closed down, cut off the tail of illegal wells wires, punish the illegal miners.

River Road Town is located in the southernmost tip of Ganghwa, the town is rich in mineral resources, is one of the three major tin producing areas of Hunan, abundant rare earth ore reserves, mainly in the villages and safflower Linjiacun source, according to the detection, safflower source Village rare earth ore reserves amounted to 20,000 tons. Abundant mineral resources to attract a batch after batch of prospectors have occurred when the illegal exploitation behavior.

Create a favorable environment for mining, Jianghua county government smitten with strong carry & ldquo; fighting rule violation & rdquo; special action to crack down on illegal mining behavior.

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