MIIT jointly issued by eight departments to combat illegal activities in rare special action program

MIIT website on October 11 announced the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Land, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Customs, Taxation, Business Administration, safety supervision bureau eight departments jointly issued the "special combat illegal behavior of rare earth Programme of Action. "

Program clear, the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to implement the relevant municipal people's government, county government regulatory responsibility, organization departments should of rare earth mining, production and distribution companies one by one verification, joint investigation of rare earth mining, illegal mining production, distribution companies, trading illegal minerals processing, tax evasion charges, billing and other illegal products off-site behavior, we should focus on priority areas investigated 2-3 RE typical cases according to invoices and reports and other clues.

For illegal rare earth mining behavior: focus on verification of rare earth mining and payment of taxes. Severely crack down on illegal poaching, cross-border exploitation, ultra indicators mining, environmental protection and other acts not approved the first building, ban illegal mining (recovery) mines, minerals and confiscate the illegal income; pursue the mining of rare earth enterprises fully paid VAT mineral resources compensation fees, taxes and taxes; clean up construction projects recycling of rare earth resources, without the approval or incomplete procedures ordered to stop.

For illegal rare earth production behavior: focus on the separation of rare earth smelting enterprises to perform the verification of total production control plan situation. For unplanned, ultra planned production enterprises, and immediately ordered to stop, and the enterprises shall declare relevant state funds to support projects to reduce next year's plan; without EIA approval of documents, filing documents or safety evaluation reach the relevant national requirements of the enterprise, immediately ordered to suspend production for rectification, not stable discharge of pollutants, and to legally pursue rectification and sewage charges; illegal acquisition of rare earth minerals, rare earth minerals and illegally confiscated illegal gains and punished; right not to pay VAT shall pay the value-added tax, according to the relevant provisions to pay fines and penalties; mineral sources that can not be explained, requires companies to provide full payment of the rare earth mineral resources tax proved unable to provide the recovery of the tax department; against illegal sale of rare earth minerals individuals or companies to investigation according to law.

& nbsp; For the circulation of illegal behavior: focus on the sale of rare earth minerals trade enterprises verifiable circumstances. The sale of illegal rare earth minerals, mineral products and illegal income confiscated by law and will be punished; right not to pay VAT should pay the value-added tax, according to the relevant provisions to pay fines and penalties; mineral sources that can not be explained, requires enterprises to provide proof of full payment of the mineral resource tax, can not provide the recovery of the tax authorities.

For the rare earth export enterprises Product Source: The by product of the production chain, verifiable sources of rare earth export their products until the mineral source. If the source is illegal rare earth minerals, exports of goods and confiscate the illegal income of all sectors involved, and punished; existence of evasion of VAT, tax on mineral resources, related links, the tax department recovered.

Special action plan clearly time for October 10, 2014 to March 31, 2015. Three stages:

Self-examination stage: 10 October to 25 November

Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) People's Government organized relevant departments and local governments, carefully verify the rare earth mining, smelting and separation of production and trade since June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014, the sales data and other information, to the enterprise each site verification, fill out checklists and summary table (see Annex 3), to deal with problems in the enterprise proposed scheme, on November 25, the Ministry of industry and Information Technology reported a few days ago.

Rectification stage: November 26 to January 31, 2015

Local people's governments organize relevant departments to immediately investigate business problems and ordered rectification, complete verification summary rectify the situation (see Annex 4). Investigate and rectification on January 31, 2015 communicated to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Acceptance summary: Year 2015 February 1 to March 31

Around on this special action for acceptance, for the rectification of the project has been completed to verify the control reform program acceptance; unfinished rectification and closed, and to explain the reasons and clear rectification completion time; discovery of dereliction of duty, collusion behavior, timely submit discipline inspection and supervision departments. Around on March 31, 2015 report will summarize the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Rectification process, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly with relevant departments and central media consisting of the Joint Inspection Unit, check the special action around the progress on the issue of illegal activities involving rare serious cases to supervise the handling of cases of illegal trading of minerals regional coordination traced. After the special action, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will be summed up with the relevant departments of the State Council special action cases.

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