Experts believe that the development of rare earth catalytic materials have increased space

Some experts pointed out that the rare earth catalytic materials high-tech, high demand, large-scale production benefits are obvious, there is room for growth in the development.

Zhang Anwen, deputy secretary general of China Society of Rare Earths, said the application of rare earth in the petrochemical industry is mainly catalytic cracker, used to improve the activity and stability of the catalyst to improve the conversion rate of cracking feedstock, increasing the yield of gasoline and diesel. In our country as an example, about 80% of the finished catalytic cracking unit produced by diesel.

The catalyst used in the production process of catalytic cracking, high technology, research and development costs are very expensive, the demand for large-scale production efficiency is high. Currently, the global research and development production of these catalysts are mainly concentrated in the hands of a few large companies. China's production of similar catalysts, one performance gap, the second is a large gap between production equipment, such as the size of the foreign catalyst plant single sets of production equipment can reach 50,000 tons per year, domestic production capacity is currently only a single set of devices in 2.5 ten thousand tons to 3.3 million tonnes.

Zhang Anwen said that the long-term perspective, the development of rare earth catalytic materials have increased space, suggested the country was prepared to increase the technological development of high-performance rare earth complex catalytic materials, and equipment to improve production levels, thus contributing to enhance the expansion of application fields and levels of rare earth catalysts.

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