Part of the rare earth oxides stable and little decrease, small changes in the mainstream market

Today, the rare earth market businesses offer a smooth or slightly lower , the product has a slight change of lanthanum, cerium oxide, praseodymium oxide, neodymium , dysprosium oxide , etc., to adjust the small, little change in the mainstream market .

According to the manufacturers with Baotou I know that a lot of stable oxide prices than last year , prices were little changed . Metals such as neodymium and praseodymium oxide, praseodymium , neodymium is currently without a ticket is still 360,000 and 285,000 yuan / ton. The lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide with ticket prices have been 2-2.1 Million / tonne between shock . Ganzhou region for nearly two months 4N traders quote lanthanum oxide has been 22,000 yuan / ton, slightly lower today, the offer of $ 1,000 / ton. Similarly 3N cerium oxide with a vote of 20,000 / ton, slightly down .

Last week a lot of different levels of suppliers raised dysprosium dysprosium and iron oxide quote , now, offer a smooth , slightly lower in both cases . Last weekend and early this week quoted dysprosium oxide is more concentrated at 170 yuan / ton , the current price of some suppliers slightly adjusted to 168 yuan / ton, quoted before dysprosium iron at 180 yuan / ton , slightly down 20,000 yuan / ton.

Restricted demand , vendors reflect neodymium oxide, erbium short-term price rise not up , the understanding with the business , both now with ticket prices are around 320,000 yuan / ton, unchanged from April, priced the same period , but decreased slightly over the previous two weeks. Smooth grass Shen praseodymium oxide market price or decreased slightly , reflecting the situation suppliers are now without a ticket about 545,000 / ton, with votes are reported in 58-60 yuan / ton are .

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