Market price of rare earth stable and inflation, businesses wait and see

Rare earth market , praseodymium , neodymium , dysprosium products prices upward trend evident since this week , traders reluctant to sell their doctrinal bullish sentiment , the market price of neodymium oxide, praseodymium today continued steadily, suppliers of short-term outlook remains bullish . Relative last Friday , praseodymium , neodymium metal prices this week, the overall upward around 10,000 yuan / ton, the current suppliers were generally traded price of at least 420,000 yuan / ton. Market price of neodymium oxide, praseodymium last weekend raised relative 1-1.5 yuan / ton, the market reflects the situation today integrated neodymium oxide, praseodymium quoted in 330,000 yuan / ton, but there are businesses that do not rule would continue to raise five thousand dollars / ton may . With the increase in raw material neodymium , praseodymium , neodymium rough quote processing plants have different amplitude increases , according to a factory in Guangdong , said block and cylinder N35 now rough prices were raised 10,000 yuan / ton.

Dysprosium products this week, dysprosium oxide and dysprosium iron with ticket prices continued rising trend , the range of 50,000 yuan / ton or slightly higher , dysprosium prices relatively stable. Today, dysprosium oxide suppliers continue to raise shipping prices reflect the 20,000 yuan / ton , the mainstream market prices 172-175 yuan / ton, steady dysprosium iron market today with a vote of 2-3 million price or slightly raised , comprehensive reference price 178-180 yuan / ton. Despite the price increase oxides and alloys , and metal dysprosium manufacturers said the current market price did not rise sharply , the current price is still 2.3 million yuan / ton.

Baotou Rare Earth Stock Exchange this week quoted prices overall cerium, europium, neodymium , praseodymium oxides three significant rise last week , especially europium, praseodymium , neodymium oxide prices up by a big margin , as of 14:00 today europium oxide Price Show 4586 yuan / kg , praseodymium , neodymium 353.6 yuan / kg. Friday, nearly two times increase in oxides of rare earth ore prices listed on the market have a certain role in supporting and pushing up close to the weekend , Ganzhou region has also raised supplier quotes europium oxide to 4200 yuan / kg , terbium oxide is currently traded not the amount , price quotes suppliers do not quote or slightly increase. Shen grass currently on the market price of praseodymium oxide is relatively stable or raised 10,000 / tonne yesterday .

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