Rare markets have been stable at the high price of most varieties of rare earth

Rare markets have been stable this week, some minor fluctuations in product prices, the overall market prices are still tall, slightly less turnover. Later in the week in Baotou and Ganzhou region's two meetings or more positive on the market, is expected to further soaring rare earth prices first order.

Today, the market came dysprosium prices rose slightly again, the market behavior of small purchases. According to Ganzhou and Jiangsu manufacturers and traders said it dysprosium oxide with votes 2,050,000 yuan / ton, with no votes 1.75 million yuan / ton, both can be traded, but this price traded lower profits. Despite a few days before this week dysprosium market weakness class runs close to the weekend, industry participants reflect, dysprosium price or a slight rebound again.

This week europium, terbium market price without the city temporarily belong to the state. Europium oxide market, there are traders reflect the recent market price of europium class aquiline, with votes offer unrealistically high, the actual difficult to deal. Terbium oxide supplier market remains bullish, offer strong, terbium oxide market transaction prices in a small amount of 390-400 yuan / ton

Holmium oxide market, one week offer basic steady, low volatility, the market price difference is bigger, mainstream at 46-55 yuan / ton, factory interpreted as a result of quality is not the same, not the same external offer. Shen grass praseodymium oxide quote almost flat, with votes from traders quoted in 550,000 yuan / ton, unchanged from the beginning of the week.

Erbium oxide market prices slightly callback, the current mainstream market in 33.5-34.5 yuan / ton or so, there are traders, which does not rule out with votes 330,000 yuan / ton offer.

Magnetic scrap market this week, two days before the market down slightly, the basic price adjustment range of 2-4 yuan / kg, and is currently short of 95 yuan / kg, long 105,106 yuan / kg, tiles 124 yuan / kg or so. Today, many businesses are still waiting for the market to maintain, temporarily offer no receipt. Waste motor market, inventories have been hoarding has more brushless motor scrap recyclers offer in 81,81.5 yuan / month, a brush in the 128-136 yuan / month or so.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
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