China Molybdenum Price - November 8, 2024

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This week, China molybdenum price remained steady overall, with transaction prices for molybdenum oxide, ferromolybdenum, and ammonium tetramolybdate hovering around 3,840 yuan per ton, 242,000 yuan per ton, and 230,000 yuan per ton, respectively.


Ganzhou Tungsten Association (GTA) Released Its Forecast Average Tungsten Price for November 2024

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Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

The tungsten price remains stable, and a new round of quotes from institutions and tungsten companies were released at the beginning of the month, which is overall in line with the current market situation and has boosted the sentiment of participants.


China Tungsten Price Remains Stable in Early November 2024

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Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

China tungsten price remains stable for now, with the latest round of long-term contract prices from tungsten companies showing limited increases. This has suppressed the market's bullish sentiment and negotiations on prices, with industry players waiting for the announcement of guide prices from other large enterprises.


Chinese Rare Earth Prices - November 6, 2024

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Chinese rare earth prices are fluctuating within a narrow range. Influenced by factors such as the difficult importation of rare earth ores from Myanmar, an increase in the northern rare earth spot price month-on-month, high production costs, and the U.S. presidential election, suppliers are generally maintaining firm quotations. 


International Molybdenum Oxide Price - November 6, 2024

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The domestic Chinese molybdenum market is generally maintaining a stalemate, with prices and transaction volumes remaining relatively stable due to the interplay of both positive and negative factors. 


China Tungsten Prices Remained Firm Amidst a Cautious Market

ferro tungsten image

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

On Monday, China tungsten prices remained firm amidst a cautious market.


China Tungsten Prices Have Slightly Risen at the End of October 2024

ammonium metatungstate photo

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

China tungsten prices have slightly risen while remaining stagnant in the week ended on Friday, November 1, 2024, primarily driven by tight raw material supply and strong cost support. 


Rare Earth Product Prices - November 4, 2024

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At the start of the week, Chinese rare earth market showed relative stability, with rare earth product prices fluctuating within a narrow range and traders primarily conducting transactions based on immediate needs. 


Chinese Molybdenum Market - November 4, 2024

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At the start of the week, Chinese molybdenum market remained stable, with a relatively balanced supply-demand relationship keeping trade volumes limited and market activity subdued. Traders are mainly focused on the performance of new steel bidding quantities and prices.


Chinese Tungsten Market Remained Stable in October 2024

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Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

In October 2024, the Chinese tungsten market exhibited a generally stable and stagnant state for most of the month. 


