China Tungsten Price Was in the Upward Trend in July 2022

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

China tungsten price was in the upward trend overall in July 2022 mainly due to the significant cost pressure in the market under the background of high inflation. 

In addition, the downturn since April and the narrowing of corporate profits have improved the construction of the industry. Insiders have rised mentality and the initiative of tungsten raw materials to support the market has obvious positive impact on the market price. 

However, under the wait-and-see sentiment on the demand side of the industrial chain, the overall spot trading volume is limited. On the one hand, the interest rate hike measures of major economies such as the United States and Europe have indented the international financial environment; on the other hand, due to the recent high temperature climate, the consumption of downstream terminals is in the off season, and the effectiveness of domestic economic stabilization promotion measures has been limited to a certain extent. In addition, the epidemic and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine are still a major challenge to the stability of the world structure.

Prices of tungsten products on August 1, 2022

China tungsten price photo

Picture of tungsten acid 

tungsten acid photo

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