LED Industry Consolidation "Accelerate" Giant Teamed Gongtuo Lighting Market


LED is Ⅲ - Ⅳ aromatic compounds, such as GaAs ( gallium arsenide ), GaP ( Gallium Phosphide ), GaAsP ( gallium phosphorus ), and other semiconductor. In the LED line LED行业 in industry , in 2009 the consumption of approximately 25 tons of gallium , in 2010 to around 50 tons , in 2011 will reach 75 tons , in 2012 exceeded 100 tons, together with the modern semiconductor industry ( wireless communications and LED lighting ) about the use of accounting for about 80% of the annual production of the metal gallium . It is due to the development of downstream industries led LED demand for the metal gallium explosive growth .

In recent years, the increasingly serious energy and environmental crises , LED energy saving concept has been supported by many governments and multi- focus , LED industry has therefore been rapid development. However , behind the boom , the international giants force LED lighting market , the domestic market cheap grab City , disorderly competition after another , LED enterprises are facing internal and external problems of industrial structure , and integration will become a corporate response to competition the inevitable choice.

Integration of both the performance of the integration of industrial chain, but also the performance of mergers and acquisitions among enterprises . During both the powerful combination of resource sharing , there are mergers and acquisitions , law of the jungle . In the fierce competition in the industry , the rapid growth through mergers and acquisitions , has become a business to withstand risks , enhance the competitiveness of the holy grail. In particular, has a strong first-mover advantage in the current China's LED industry is still in early stages of development, the first- person . Timely and effective shortcut to seize market opportunities as industry consolidation , the inevitable result is market development.

Revival of industry consolidation lead layout pending outbreak

In recent years, with the active support of national policy , China's LED market ushered in the era of rapid development . The face of the upcoming blowout LED lighting market through mergers and acquisitions, integration of resources , combining complementary advantages and other ways to enhance the overall strength of a competitive advantage has become the consensus of many current LED enterprises.

Since entering in 2013 , LED lighting companies in the midstream and downstream vertical integration phase , the integration of a variety of resources to each other more prominent trend . With the lighting market development and maturity , in order to quickly seize the market , the major companies are looking for the right resources in different ways to achieve vertical integration , done from epitaxy, chip packaging and distribution to the industrial chain applications.

With the rapid development of LED industry , LED lighting and synergies associated with other growing areas , LED field to accelerate the pace of integration have begun to shift from general lighting other special lighting. For example, in the field of LED automotive lighting , also no shortage of pretenders . Guangzhou Hongli Opto-electronic signal acquisition up to the Buddha , Deren Electronic acquisition of Tianjin Feile large number of automotive lighting and other cases began to emerge, companies began the first layout differentiated LED lighting market .

According to the analysis , the current status of LED industry consolidation presents the following major characteristics: First, the industry chain vertical integration trend reinforced by vertical integration integrate acquisitions , companies can achieve industry as a whole layout , enjoys advantages in terms of cost and overall market competition ; the other hand , LED industry extends to its other areas , with the automotive lighting , agriculture lighting, lighting in areas such as fisheries enterprise integration , to achieve the purpose of the enterprise market segments and differences in market competition preemptive layout ; addition, the recent LED industry significantly increased cross-border mergers and acquisitions . Cross-border mergers and acquisitions are important drivers of enterprise patents and international markets , LED patent long grasp the hands of a few large international giants , especially chip links, through the acquisition of foreign companies can circumvent patent barriers , access to international manufacturers patent support , participation in international technology patents system , greater voice.

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