2014 Flash LED Market Trends Will Show A Type of M


LED is a light-emitting diode chip is mainly composed of gallium arsenide, gallium nitride , indium gallium nitride , silicon carbide and other materials, the LED display on the majority do most LED display simple thing is the output text. LED output principle is to kanji characters font ( a series of binary numbers 0,1 ) output on the LED display, thereby controlling each LED light off , and then show characters. Animation is the programmed LED to output a series of LED 0,1, designers need to achieve each of the picture frames .

FlashLED in smartphone penetration rate has reached 100 percent , saw business opportunities in Flash , LED Flash industry actively involved in the market . 2013 FlashLED specifications to drive current 1000mA, 500mA and 350mA for the mainstream, industry insiders believe that 2014 will show M -type FlashLED market development , high-end specifications led to 1000mA drive current , and the low driving current is 350mA based.

LEDFlash with high stability , low light angle, low voltage can be driven without charge and a longer life and other characteristics , FlashLED smartphones have become standard in 2013 FlashLED market conditions , the main specifications of the drive current to fall 1000mA, the 500mA and 350mA, brightness of the high-end FlashLED fall between 240-250lm.

In PhilipsLumileds of LUXEONFlash series , the drive current at 1000mA, brightness average fell about 220-240lm, PhilipsLumileds has also launched a drive current 2000mA, brightness of 500lm mean products . The OSRAM CERAMOS series places the drive current of 500mA , the lumens mean about falling 120-140lm, OSRAM and launched a drive current of 1000mA, brightness 180-330lm between products. Japanese manufacturers CITIZEN CL-773A2 latest series also introduced in the drive current 1000mA, brightness 260lm mean the product .

According to industry sources, although all current smartphones have equipped FlashLED, but many white card phones FlashLED have the problem of insufficient brightness , and this is also the industry's specifications FlashLED called " fake flash ." The industry believes that 2014 will go FlashLED specifications M -type development , in the drive current 1000mA, brightness FlashLED 240-250lm in the high-end mainstream will continue to play , on the other hand , if customers reduce the cost considerations, plus importing aircraft models for the low-end models , the use will fall drive current 350mA, brightness 75lm FlashLED the following specifications .

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