Tungsten Market Prediction After National Day’s Holiday

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Under the effect of National Day’s holiday, although some enterprises are still waiting to stimulate tungsten market, raw material market is in nervous status, manufacturers only purchase raw material without selling. Dealing amount is decreasing.

National Day’s holiday stops the third rise in price in 2016. Looking back to the first two times of rise in price, tungsten concentrate usually goes up for 10,000~15,000 RMB/ton. When there is nothing to support the price, it suddenly falls down which improves the rise in price of raw material is unreasonable. Upstream and downstream of raw material are changing fast.

Until now, tungsten concentrate price is 69,000~71,000 RMB/ton, it rises about 3000RMB/ton. Ammonium paratungstate price is 105,000~107,000 RMB/ton, it rises about 4000RMB/ton. Compares to the previous times, there is a bit difference in the rising range. It is lower than the expected price of tungsten mine and tungsten trading companies. In terms of raw material, the tendency of rise in price is still going on.

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Enterprises also keep positive attitude. Largest tungsten mine enterprise in China is willing to sell products which support market, selling and quotation are restricted, it has positive effect for the market which is short of inventory. The biggest ammonium paratungstate purchase enterprise also cooperates with the price tendency. Other companies like China Minmetal, Jiangxi Rare Earth and Rare Metals Tungsten Group Corporation supplies internally, due to the production capacity of tungsten concentrate, they are willing to lead the market.

Demand still has no increase. The end market demand has entered shrink stage after a period of increase. Unless there is new growing point, market increase by demand has no longer being the main stream and method. Sometimes price will affect purchase plan of downstream raw material to stimulate raw materials supply.

Tungsten market prediction after National Day’s holiday is expected to recover under exploration, raw material supplier keep the goods and wait for price to go up. Dealing amount is growing stable, there will be a small rise in price of raw material which will affect the price of finished products.


