Praseodymium, neodymium, dysprosium, gadolinium edged europium, terbium deserted

With the expected time of storage and closer, a slight rebound dysprosium oxide and dysprosium iron price, before the price in the 1700000 yuan / tons of succession to the price back to 1700000, Dy Fe present with ticket prices rebounded slightly 2-3 yuan / ton, the mainstream price is more concentrated in the 1750000 yuan / ton. Although many businesses have a positive expectation of storage, there are some people in the industry reflect, according to the usual situation, wait until the real storage after execution, prices fell. But now because Shouchu not exactly news, not good grasp the specific point in time. In addition to praseodymium neodymium oxide, dysprosium oxide, prices appear small surging, now businesses will gadolinium oxide prices from 150000 raised to 155000 yuan / ton.

Today, rare earth market main product prices remain stable, partial businessman is just a slight increase in PR nd, Dy products quotation, the praseodymium neodymium were relatively good, the volume is still larger cerium, lanthanum. According to the Baotou area manufacturers expected, early May praseodymium neodymium metal and oxide prices stable or slightly rising, decline is unlikely. Today, praseodymium and neodymium metal stable at 420000 yuan / tons, praseodymium neodymium oxide is stable or slightly rising slightly, in the range of 3-5 yuan / ton, according to the manufacturer the Baotou area feedback now praseodymium neodymium metal without tickets 355000 and above, praseodymium neodymium oxide without tickets 285000 yuan / ton.

But the europium, terbium market is still relatively deserted, transactions weak, with traders to reflect the recent daily average no inquiries and purchasing, sales volume is not good, there is pressure on the stock, according to the businessmen said, now europium oxide without tickets 3200 yuan / kg, with votes in the 3800-3900 yuan / kg. Terbium oxide without tickets 2800 yuan / kg, prices showed little change.

Rare Earth Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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