How to Buy a Dartboard? (c)
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 09:12
At present, the common market, mostly on the disc dart paper and flocking dart, their prices are cheap, do decorations look good, to promote the popularity of darts does play a considerable role. But if you are using a regular tungsten darts and practice a day, and their life should not be more than one week. Therefore, the real darts enthusiasts, buy two dart disk is not the economy is not economic problems, but they have no value. We strongly suggest that you choose linen dart, one formal, long life and secondly, the cost performance is the best.
2. Regular maintenance dart disc tray hanging linen dart dart point in the center of the disk, it is also possible to adjust the figures circle. In played for some time, usually one week, you should dart disk rotates about, do not make a long-term fixed partition. There is a wrong view that the linen dish should always use water washout dart about, it is wrong to follow the wooden dart disk maintenance methods and did not apply to linen dart. The result is that the dish will make you become very hard, and finally into a pot uplift. Sometimes tip dart bar in the wire or knock on the ground will produce some barb barb must take timely worn to prevent the hook out of the fibers pull dart dart.
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How to Buy a Dartboard? (b)
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Wednesday, 04 March 2015 09:15
Linen dartboard: it is the most popular modern best quality dart disc tray is specified using the regular game. Dartboard is made of hemp fiber. Senior British produce linen dartboard uses Africa (mainly Kenya) sisal. Dartboard raw materials in China come from Hainan Island, so many people are used to the linen called sisal dartboard. Linen dartboard production relative to other more complex to use more than 10 tons of pressure on the fiber extrusion, then the outer ring is fixed with metal straps. Therefore, good linen dartboard is moderate hardness. After dart is pulled out from the dartboard, small eyes are automatically closed, making its service life is much higher than other types of dartboard.
People shape and distribute the zoning of barbed wire, linen dartboard has derived into the following types:
①Triangular dartboard: triangular dartboard does not refer to the shape, but to the shape of the wire. A dart wire are circular, triangular dartboard is triangular wire. It greatly reduces the chances of darts is wire pop, World Darts Championships and other major competitions, and more use of this dartboard set.
②Blade dartboard: This dartboard is simply a piece of iron will be embedded within the dartboard, the dartbpard is no fixed clip, it is a further increase in the area of each partition and reduces the chance pop darts.
③Practice dartboard: This dartboard by the British "NODOR" production, also known as "mini-Red" or "Champion of choice", it's pitch double and triple zone area is only 5 mm, is almost standard dart half (standard spacing of 8 mm), and only half of the standard Red dart double disc area. Because IT is not an official race dartboard, but for daily practice, many everyday practice professional experts are using this dartboard set,so it ia called practice dartboard.
④Four times dartboard: This is the famous British darts HARROWS manufacturers exclusive production dartboard, and its name is based on the standard dart on dartboard, and in between times zones and Red circle increased four times zones. That is to say, to play this dartboard, a three dart is no longer the highest score 180 points, but 240 points. There where such dartboard in the UK some games.
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How to Buy a Dartboard? (a)
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Thursday, 26 February 2015 09:34
World-renowned brand focused on darts darts birthplace - England, they are Unicorn (Unicorn), Harrows (Halu Shi), Winmau, Nodor, Datadart and dart hand (Darter), etc., the United States, there are one hundred Granville (Budwiser), Accudart etc. Chinese-made darts in recent years has been greatly developed, there are three major brands-day operation, such as daily and Garbo.
Dart Board (Dartboard), also known as dart or dart. In today's world darts production is concentrated in the UK, USA, Germany, Australia and China (including China Taiwan region) and other places. Dart's style and material is varied, the size of the disk and partition settings are different. Pay attention to when buying a dart board size, the main should note the following few:
1. The double-ring outer diameter = 342mm
2. The total diameter dartboard = 457mm
3. Some cheap toy dart board is much smaller than the standard size, suitable for the race or practice As darts, there must be a complete dart needle dart barrel, dart and dart wing, and feel full, stable center of gravity, the flight line easy to grasp.
Professional athletes generally use the advanced quality tungsten dart; there is a silver dart between tungsten dart and dart between brass (actually nickel qualitative). Their advantage is that because of the large density, so in the same weight, tungsten and silver dart dart dart barrel finer. In addition both greater hardness, difficult to damage.
1. Dart species
Wooden dart: Early dart from cork or elm mostly made in Europe and some very particular bar, but also be able to see the wood dart. Maintenance of wooden dart is very troublesome, usually every night dip it in the water to prevent it from cracking deformation.
Paper dart disk: the paper tray is rolled up around the enclosure, plus cramp made. Tray is arguably one of the most expensive dart disk. Flocking dart: the primary backing material is paper flocking dart, but in which a layer of fibers on the implant dart, which is characterized by economy and aesthetics.
Magnetic dart: dart is iron, and no darts used dart tip, the top is a highly magnetic flat magnet. Its characteristics are safe, and will not hurt or destroy furniture, walls.
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American Darts Organization (ADO) Competition Rules (c)
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 09 February 2015 10:09
The maximum length of darts in the game can not be used more than 30.5 cm, severe each dart shall not exceed 50 grams. Each dart tip should be made recognizable, dart and dart barrel wing components.
Dart Board
Dart board should be flocking to the standard 18-inch target (bristle board), its type should ADO (Sportcraft / Nodor) approval, according to the standard order of 1-20 minutes.
International standard dartboard
Double zone (scores twice)
Haplotype area (labeled fraction)
Three times the area (score three times)
Within the bovine (double zone 25 or 50 minutes)
Outside the bull's-eye (25 points)
Outside the competition area (no score)
The inside width of the double and triple zone area = 8mm.
The inside diameter of the inner bovine = 12.7mm.
Outside the bull's-eye of the inside diameter = 31mm.
Double the area outside of the wire to the bull's-eye center = 170mm.
Three times the area of the outer steel wire to bovine center = 117mm.
Double the area outside of the wire to the outside of the double zone wire = 342mm.
The total diameter of the dartboard = 457mm.
Zoning wire specifications (maximum standard wire size) = 16SWG.
20 points with dark wedge should be central to the Founder of the wedge.
Dartboard placement without any changes or attachments.
Three times inside the scoring area should narrow band scores, scoring area outside the narrow band should score twice.
Center ring outside deserved 25 points, center ring inside deserved 50 points, and called "bull's-eye"
The minimum throw distance of 7 feet 91/4 inches (2.37 meters); height dartboard should be 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) (from the floor to the center bulls-eye); if bovine central to the floor throwing line linear distance meter, compared with 9 feet 71/2 inches (2.93 meters).
Light placement should be attached together the following requirements: to shine brightly dartboard, darts cast shadows as small as possible, but does not affect the position of the flying darts.
Throw Line
If possible, they should be placed on a slightly raised the minimum throw distance of throw line, the line 11/2 inches high, two feet long lines. Line from the rear end of the disk on the floor of the darts vertical projection lines 7 feet 91/4 inches (1.73 meters).
In the tournament, throwing the line should be flush with tape or a similar sign from the dartboard should be at a minimum distance meter.
If a player's foot or shoe throwing embarked upon throwing line, he threw a dart at this time can not score and can not reroll. Before applying this rule, only a warning.
If players want to throw darts at both ends of the line outside, then he should throw line extended feet on straight after.
Bullseye center height = 1.73 m (5ft - 8ins)
The minimum throw distance = 2.37 m (7ft - 9 1 / 4ins)
Bull's-eye center to throw away the line after the slash = 2.93 meters (9ft - 7 1 / 2ins)
Throw line bump height = 38mm (1 1 / 2ins)
Throw length = 610mm (2ft - 0ins)
Metric conversion factor 1cm = 0.3937 inch
Scoreboard should be placed on the side of less than four feet dartboard, dartboard and not more than 45 degrees at an oblique angle.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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American Darts Organization (ADO) Competition Rules (b)
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 03 February 2015 09:02
All darts must be thrown by hand and from the hands fly.
Shall be composed of three dart throwing round, except in a small number of this Council has ended.
In the throwing process, if a player touches a dart on a dartboard, throw the round will be considered finished.
Any pop-up or drop from the dartboard darts can not reroll.
Start and end (all competitions)
All game by throwing bovine start. The first player is determined by bovine throw a coin toss; after the coin toss winner can choose to throw or throw. Darts from bovine recently who first threw in the first round. The first innings of the first round losers can first throw in the second inning. If you need the third inning, throwing the bull's eye once again, by the toss of the coin toss, first negative bovine.
If the first throw darts located inside or outside the bull's-eye in the bull's-eye, after throwing darts may request to be removed prior to confirm. If the first dart without throwing requested after it was removed, the reroll bovine, and the original, first throw after throw. Darts must stay that counts on the dartboard. If the darts did not stay in the pan, you can then throw a dart. If you will first throw after throw dart who knocked down, they have to reroll bovine, and the original, first throw after throw. If the scorekeeper can not determine which dart from bovine closer, or two dart out all bovine, including bovine or two dart all, you need to reroll bovine. Scorekeeper's decision is final. If you need to reroll bovine should dart first disc removed, the original are now first throw after throw.
In all events, each game should be straight into the (no fold into) times out, unless local race organizers have specified otherwise.
At the beginning or end of each round, the inner bull's-eye should be treated as 25 points twice region.
Should use the "break" rule. (If a player scores has been reduced to 1 minute, negative or zero points (but not fold out), he had "broken up", he scores reset back to him before the start of the current round of throwing scores)
Competition does not apply "3 in a bed", "222", "111", "shanghai" rules of the game, such as direct end.
If the player or the team hit just make your score is reduced to zero twice the area, then the bureau had ended. Any subsequent darts without scoring.
After the third or last dart throw a dart after 5 seconds, stay on the dart darts to scoring. Meanwhile tip darts have access to the disk to scoring.
Before scorekeeper decided scores, both players, scorekeeper or spectators not touch the disk on the darts. If someone violates this provision will be considered the end of the round throwing and application of the preceding provisions of Article 19.
A dart score depends on which side of the plate on its tip touches the wire. If you can not determine which side of the wire darts fall, then the total should be on both sides of a controversial side to score a higher score. At this point it should be noted at the same time you want to follow the provisions of Article 33.
Each player has the responsibility to dart away from the plate before checking your own score. If one or more darts on a plate removed from the dart, the score will be to write down the number shall prevail. Even if there is an error on arithmetic, nor change, (error) calculated to write down the subject, unless before the next player to throw corrections over.
In Double / Teams game, each player should throw sequence. The first non-sequential throwing players will have to zero in this round, but Ensemble where he was declared round abstained.
Scorekeeper should this score: the round scoring record in two columns on the outside, while the remaining fraction of the total recorded in the middle of the two columns.
Scoreboard or scorecard should be in front of the players throw line clearly seen.
Scorekeeper hurlers can tell how many points he scored and how many points left. He can not tell the rest of the score hurler how to throw. Allow fellow teammates or audience suggestions to the players in the game.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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American Darts Organization (ADO) Competition Rules (a)
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 09:06
Sports Rules
All by ADO organization or recognized darts tournament, should follow the following rules:
General Provisions
All players or teams should follow the rules of the game, as well as local ADO tournament organizers added another rule.
In the game that do not follow these rules of the game of any player or team, should be subject to the race organizers penalty.
The interpretation of the competition rules attributed to local race organizers. Race organizer's decision is final and binding. Protest race after will not be considered.
Competition, should maintain good race style.
ADO does not allow any form of gambling.
ADO before approving the game, will check the event organizer or sponsor is ready to have enough cash to pay the bonuses declared. Payout event shall be responsible by the race organizers or sponsors instead of ADO.
ADO accident or injury occurs game without liability.
ADO retain power at any appropriate time to add or modify the necessary rules of the game.
Competition process
Bonus structure, schedule the game, as well as registration and methods of competition paired players, by the local race organizers in charge of arrangements.
Each player maximum allowed nine dart warm.
Game discs only in the game use, not for practice. Race organizers unless otherwise arranger.
Competition notice broadcast only three times, a minimum interval of five minutes between each broadcast. If a player or team can not report in this 15 minutes into the specified dartboard place will be declared abstained.
If a player's game equipment damaged or lost in the game, allowing the player to use a maximum of five minutes to repair or replace the game appliances.
If a player during the game to be temporarily leaving the venue, the maximum allowed to leave five minutes, special approval unless the match officials.
There can be only contestants and to scorer in the competition area.
Another player should stand throwing players behind the line in front of at least 2 feet.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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Cricket Dart Rule
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 20 January 2015 11:33
"Cricket" competition focused only on digital 15-20 and the bullseye.In the game, each player must hit a total of three times, respectively, the digital single-zone under 15-20; also hit a double time zone and a second haplotype region; three times the area can also be a direct hit. Ready blackboard and chalk. So if someone hit three times to complete a digital task, he can be recorded on the blackboard.
If you hit a three numbers, your opponent has not reached three times, then you have won scores of the digital representation. For example, when you hit three figures 16, while the other has not yet reached three times, you get 16 points. All figures are after hit three times, the most points wins.
Note that the score is the determining winners and losers of the standard, which has nothing to do with who should complete the three-hit.
Hit the bull's-eye single count 25 points, 50 points count double bull's-eye.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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Dart Rule--Play 01
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 09:18
The most common is to play darts "01." Rules of the game is to score every time deducted from the initial points in the first minutes of the initial clearing of wins. But why is it called "01" mean? In fact, "01" refers to the initial value of the mantissa of each group are generally "01." Such as one game, both the initial score is 301 or 501 general; and when there are people involved in the game, the initial value may be set to 1001. Draw a good line. This line is used to specify the location of the station player, usually 2.4 meters away from the dartboard. Has decided to throw a dart. After throwing closest one double bull's-eye first start the race. Everyone turns to throw three darts. Then the resulting value is deducted from the initial points. For example, if a player's initial score is 301, after the game a score of 54, the final score is 247. When the final points approaching zero, we must be careful to select the targeted area. Because of the competition rules, to be successful, "cleared" and eventually must be exactly zero points, but the last time the "clear" before the scores must be from the double area.
For example, if a player has only two points, then the last dart must fall on the double zone 1; if only the remaining 18 minutes, then it must fall on the last dart double District 9 . If at this time the score is odd, such as 19, then the player can come three points, cut the remaining score is even, so that you can throw in 8 below for double zone to win the game.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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Magnetic Dart Throwing Skills
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 05 January 2015 09:17
Steady stance. Some people will be tempted to lean forward or tilt back, but this is no upright posture more stable. Right-handed people, right foot forward, left foot in, put the focus on the right foot, but do not go too forward. Left-handed people, left foot forward, right foot, put the focus on the left, but not too much to lean forward. To tie your feet steady ground. Darts, the body must maintain a balance, otherwise the hand will unconsciously pulling force on the magnetic darts will thrust darts will deviate from the original direction.
Note grip darts posture. Darts on the handedness of the palm, and then weigh, to find the center of gravity darts. According to the position of the center of gravity of partial thumb post, then use two or four fingers to pinch darts, specifically with a few finger grip depends on how you used to. Darts head slightly upturned point, and then try to move back and forth straight. Any other curd Xiutui action only makes it darts off course. Gently throw darts. Darts can not be too hard, hard darts both unnecessary and dangerous there. In fact, dartboard darts attached to the force required is very small, so no need to be too hard.
Remember, the only purpose of computing the score of the game, rather than maximum effort than anyone else.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Magnetic Dartboard
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Monday, 29 December 2014 09:58
Whether and acquaintances or friends and just met, but also whether it is casual or a solemn occasion, magnetic darts are playing a good pastime, because the magnetic darts can be carried out at any time is an all ages event .
All dartboard structure is the same. Each has a circle on a dart board out of order from the numbers 1 to 20, the basic rules of the game is to throw darts onto the disk, and then calculate the corresponding score. Dartboard is divided into different areas. Each region has a corresponding value, if darts landed on red and green color of the outer ring, then the score is twice the corresponding areas score. For example, the double-digit area if the dart falls below 18, then the score is 36. Understand the inner red and green color score. If the dart landed on the red-green color of the inner ring, the score is the score three times the corresponding area. For example, if three times the area of digital darts falls under 18, then the score is 54. Learn dartboard central "bull's-eye" score. "Bull's-eye" is divided into two areas, inner (usually red) is called "double bull's-eye", the outer ring (usually green) called "single bull's-eye." If the dart landed inside a single bull's-eye, a score of 25. If the dart landed inside double bull's-eye, a score of 50. The rest of the region on the dartboard is divided into 20 zones, each also has a specific value. The most common situation is black or yellow darts landed area, when the score is the number that corresponds to the region. For example, if the dart falls under 18 haplotypes area, then the score is 18.
Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
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